Has anyone been approved for wls lately that has CHA-Health?
Hello and best of luck to you I do not know nothing abut your INC but id they ask you how do you know this WLS will work for you when diest have not tell them you know this is a tool and it will work cause it teaches you how to eat healthy and if you do over eat 1 or 2 bites to many you will get sick and you are not a person that likes to get sick and it will break you from eatig sweet stuff caus that will also make you sick and you now many ppl who have had this done and have done very well with it and you kow all the risks involved with it cause you have researched it and are ready to have it done you had rather be a healthy slim person and aft to eat the way you do and be on vitams the rest of your life than be a unhealthy person and deloveps all kinds of stuff due to your weight
Hope this hels you some
Take Care Huggs
Hi Heather! Insurance companies can be tricky. They may give one person a hard time while they immediately approve another. The first thing you need to do is check your policy manual and see if morbid obesity is a covered service, if not, then you will probably have to work a
little harder to get an approval. Sometimes it depends on the diagnosis code that the Drs office sends to them with your request for coverage.
My advice to you is call your insurance company and ask them if they do cover this treatment before you schedule any kind of testing.
Tonya P.
Hi Heather,
I have CHA "commonwealth administrators" and I've been denied twice I am working on my second appeal letter now. I've been told that if this denial is upheld the only other choice I have is to file a civil suit, and that is exactly what I plan on doing.They say I cant request to be present at the appeal. I've spoke with everyone from customer service rep's to the legal department. Good Luck. If I can help in any way please let me know. I've been having problems with receiving emails from here. So if you email and I dont respond with in a few days post a message here and we will figure something else out.
There is GOOD news on the horizon! I have CHA-HMO ( I am a teacher), I began this journey in March. I have had 2 denials and an external review, and as of 4:30 TODAY...CHA was overturned and I am APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My initial paperwork went to CHA in April, so you will be pushing it to get it approved this year, BUT don't give up the battle!