Louisville Support Group 7:30pm 8/24/04 at Suburban Hospital
What Support Group (public welcome)
When 08/24/04, 7:30 PM
Where Louisville, KY
Address Norton Suburban Hospital
Directions IN First Floor Classroom, just two rooms down from main entrance. Free parking in any garage or outside.
Description August support Group: LIFE AFTER WEIGHT LOSS. A plastic surgeon experienced in post-gastric bypass surgery will be on hand to discuss plastic surgeries. Also, we'll present other services through this new program that complements the bariatric program...including intensive aftercare workshops available on a bi-weekly basis, led by a qualified group leader. And, low-cost tummy tuck options at Norton Suburban will be discussed. Any ideas or requests for services through the LIFE AFTER WEIGHT LOSS CENTER are welcome. Bring them in person, or e-mail us at [email protected]
Contact Phone 502-899-6721
Hi Dr. Geller,
I haven't met you yet. I was thinking of having the surgery and I was assigned to you at first for the Lap Band but medicare doesn't cover that one yet, so I was assigned to Dr. Shina. But after looking at the risks for death, I've already put my family through so much through 4 back surgeries, I just couldn't think of putting them through that risk. But the lap band isn't as risky I don't think, so if medicare ever approves it I might be in to meet you. I'm still considering whether to go to the meetings and learn more about the proceedures and meet some in the support groups. I'm just not sure yet.
Hope to meet you anyway someday.
Lydia Butts