Waiting game Melissa!
You know how it is. Just waiting for them to say yes or no. I'm so worried they'll say no. I really don't know why they would. I mean my health is bad enough that its necessary I think, but still not knowing is a pain. I go on the 9th for a 2 day stress test so I'll be ready if they say yes. Then all thats left is a date. Ewww I can't wait. By then I'll need to be on nerve medicine. This whole thing has been a positive thing for me though. Getting to meet so many people that are just like me. You know society makes me sick. People act as though you made a concious decision to be over weight or something. It just happens, And one day you just sort of realize that "hey, I gotta do something about this". Nobody really takes the time to find out why you've allowed yourself to reach this point. Rather it be from depression or bad health or what. Just ready to pass their own twisted judgement on you. Its so unfair. Just wanted to share my thoughts sorry I rambled on, Later. God bless.