Back from surgery
I had my surgery June 7 and am just now getting back home to check my mail and to thank all of you who have prayed for me during that time. I did fine except for a slight infection (lungs) and pain in the incision on the left side. Dr. said it was probably nerve entrapment so he gave me a shot of cortisone in the area and it has helped. I can now get around so much getter. I have lot 16 pounds in a little less than 3 weeks. Again, thanks for all the support. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions in the coming weeks.
Hi Vicki!!!
So glad to see you back! I went to St. Joes East too. I love them. I had pain on my left side also. Kinda near where the drainage tube was. I also had a wound infection there but that cleared up after a while. Sounds like your going thru the same stuff everyone else does. It does get better! I often wondered when I'm down 63 lbs now and our friend Marty is down 75!!! Good luck and let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Support group is coming up soon and maybe you'll be able to attend.