Denied by Medicaid :-(
Well, all, I was denied by Medicaid. First, I called the doctors office and the secretary stated that my BMI was too low. It is 39.5. And she stated that I needed to continue my appts with the dietician. I asked her,"WHY, just to gain? And she responded by saying, "Yes". That didn't make sense to me. I told her that since I had to go in for a heart cath for my stress test showed some abnormalities, should I just wait for a few mos., but she stated "No". If I wanted than Medicaid would drop my case and I would have to start all over again. So it was best to get it done and over with and find out what the results were. Well, I had the Heart Cath done last Wed. April 7th. Everything went well. No problems. Have a Healthy Heart.
I did talk with the dietician and the doctor at our last support group meeting and they both agreed that I didn't need to gain more weight. Medicaid wanted to wait to see what the outcome of the Heart Cath was.
But I am still having to be supervised by the Dietician for 3 mos. on a Diabetic diet. So won't have surgery till probably in May.
This was very discouraging news for me. But am glad that the Heart Cath found nothing. Then before surgery, the doctor will have to put a filter in my left leg for I am prone to blood clots in that leg and this will keep the clot if I get one from reaching my lungs. IT will catch it.
So now, I am wanting for the doctor to fax another letter to Medicaid with all the news from my heart cath and see if I will be able to get approved at that time. Please pray for me.
Good luck to all you out there who have been approved or have had or having surgery. Good luck on the other side.
So sorry to here they did not approve yo but dont give up keep fighting them and if you haft to gain a lil mor weight to get your bmi up to were it needs to be at to get approved I would not let them know thoew if you do that
wishing you thebest of luck to get approved keep us posted
Take Care Huggs