My Shopping Experience (poem)
Hey guys,
As I went shopping this weekend at Planet Exchange a consignment store in Knoxville. I found myself feeling kind of weird and out of place . In honor of the event (LOL) I composed a poem. I guess my mental image has not caught up with my weight loss yet.Maybe some of you can relate!!
As I tread into the misses department
A feeling comes to me.
There are no plus sizes on this rack
This is not where I should be.
I don't think I belong here
Have I lost my mind?
My clothing sizes have always been followed by "W"
And now no "W"'s do I find!
Is everybody staring?
And wondering why I'm here?
In the misses department of this store
I look through the clothes in fear!
As I find an outfit that I adore-
On others, normally
I take it to the dressing room and guess what?
It fits on ME!!
What an exciting feeling!
The saying is for real:
Nothing could possibly taste as good
As getting thinner is starting to feel!!!
I truly thank God every day for bringing me to this journey and continuing to see me through it each and every step of the way.
God Bless You All,