I've been denied!! Help!!
Hi, This is my third time posting a message, so I'm still pretty new at this!
i called my insurance co. before I even made an appointment with the surgeons at St. Joe East, twice matter of fact. Told them there was an exclusion in the policy and if that would be a problem. They said no, if I had letters stating that my health was at risk. I've been to the Weight Loss Surgery center now 3 times for test.The sent off for approval from humana PPO, and they denied it. Insurance co. and the girl (forgot her name),are sending me forms to appeal. Also. I have medicare as my secondary insurance, and the girl said if nothing else works, we'll try and go thur them. Has Medicare paid for anyone else? Please let me know.
Hi, I had surgery at St. Joe east. I have medicare as secondary and it paid some but i have United health as primary and they approved mine in about two weeks so I didn't pay but about 250. for my entire part of the bill. They told me that medicare will not pay unless the primary approves so i really don't know what to tell you. i know medicare didn't pay a very much on my bill or the doctor bill. Dr. Steiner wrote off as "medicare adjustment write-off' over three thousand dollars of his part of the bill.