One year Anniversary
Well, tomorrow is my one year anniversary and what a ride this has been. I now weigh 132 pounds. That is up from the 128 I have been weighing. probably thanks to valentine candy conversation hearts. I am wearing a size 8 except in two piece suits. i wear a size ten in those. My life has dramatically improved. There are so many things that I am able to do now that i couldn't do before that I can't list them. My case was special because i had the old jib bypass surgery in 1981 and then in 2002 after many years of health problems and some of them life-threatening because of this surgery, I had it reversed. I finally had a bowel obstruction and had to have the reversal to save my life. i didn't want to. I immediately started gaining weight and within 6 months i had gained 85 pounds. I was so fat, (which was new to me) that i couldn't even wipe my butt, I couldn't tie my shoes. I had no clothes to wear and refuased to buy any in the size 22 i had ballooned to. I became so depressed and ashamed I became a recluse in my own home. i avoided friends or anyone that new me. The only time i went out was to go the store and even then I went to one where people did not know me. The surgeon that did my takedown, recommended this new gastric bypass. After all the problems I had before, i did not want to do it so I tried one last diet. I joined weigh****chers for the sixth time and gained seven pounds the first week. I was in the surgeons office the next week and as they say, the rest is history. I was convinced I would never get out of the hospital or die on the table but God was by my side. I have an ulcer and have had a stricture and at times some very severe pain. I did fine eating until about seven months out, then i started vomiting every time i ate. That's when he went in and opened my stoma a little. I have been fine since until this past weekend. I have started vomiting again every time I try to eat anything solid. But i am going to wait and see if it resolves on it's own. Pre-ops, would I do it again? YOU BET!!!!!!!!. Even on my bad days, I am thankful for this surgery and what it has given me. If you can get past the fear, it will be the best thing you have ever done for yourself. I am on here everyday if I can help anyone, I will be glad to try to.
What an inspiration you are!!! Congratulations
on your anniversary. I am 8 weeks post op and look forward to enjoying life more as you are. I thank God that I have done well thus far and I already feel so much different with only a loss of 50 pounds. I hope that I can continue with the same type of positivity that you have.
May God Bless You,
Sharan (just down the country road from you)