I'm home from the hospital
Hi Jenn,
Isn't it just great knowing that you have the surgery behind you! I kept finding myself not believing that I actually DID go throught with it.
It will not be long before you are feeling like a new woman!! I know that there will be times over the next few weeks that you may feel like you will never feel normal again, but believe me, it will get better.
I can't believe that I am already seven weeks post op and down 50lbs and only 8 lbs away from being to my half mark and adding some veggies. There is something exciting about the fact that I will be getting to eat some vegetables again!!
I have been and will continue to keep you in my prayers! God Bless you,

Hi Jennifer,
Glad you are home and ready to get started. You may have feelings of doubt in the next couple of weeks but hang in there it will get better I promise! I had sad feelings and was upset every once in a while but now I have lost 40 lbs in 9 weeks and fitting into clothes that I haven't worn in years. It is very exciting. Just hang in there! May God bless you on your journey.... Jill
Hi Honey!!!!! I never come to this board but I hadnt heard an update from Laura so I started getting worried. I am sorry that I didnt come back to see you. That night after being in the cold and seeing you.. DAvid came home with a bad case of the chills. He was so cold and teeth chattering in the house that after an hour and a half.. with 3 blankets on him, he was still freezing. I threw him in the shower with hot scalding water and he finally warmed up. His temperature spiked to 101 and I was scared to death! He was still running temperature the next day when I called your mom to check on you. I didnt want to come around you in case I was carrying the same bug that David had. Luckily he is ok now. I have a sore throat now though. I really wanted to see you again so badly. I just didnt want to risk getting you sick.
It was such a pleasure meeting you. I think you are beautiful! After I left you.. Rhoda and I immediately tracked down Karen. We told her of the Loritab incident and that you didnt need to be going home with it. We also told her of the awful nurse you had and she said she would go back and check on you. Not sure if she did or not. What did Dr. Neighbert say? What was giving you all that pain? Did they change pain meds on you? I was sooooooo pissed that night because of the care you received. I told my school who has interns there about it and one of the head teachers who is a nurse herself is going to check in on that.
So what meds are you on now? If you need any help.. let me know ok? I have a sore throat right now but I will be ok in a day or so. Ugh.. this weather is just pleasant isnt it!!! NOT! I am freezing!