Considering Surgery
I'm sure you've heard it 1000 times - I've considered surgery before, wanted to give it one last try to do it myself - like I didn't already know. I'm considering the version of surgery called Biliopancreatic Bypass - seems to me that the side effects (urgency to get ot the bathroom) are less. Do not have a Dr. Yet - Live in Louisville, Use United Healthcare EPO. I'm 45, at 360lbs in a 5'6" body - should lost about 200 lbs. Concerned about skin hanging all over me after weight loss, but I guess I'm putting the cart before the horse there. Any words of wisdom at the start of this journey?
Jerri, I tried to do it myself and I just didn't have the will power.
I don't know about the biliopancreatic bypass but I had the open RNY on Sept. 25th. I went to Dr. Shina in Louisville. He was great. No problems with anything except my own mistakes. I sometimes eat things that I know I shouldn't. I wouldn't worry about the excess skin right now, I would just worry about being healthy. I don't have the urgency to get to the bathroom. In fact, during the first few weeks after surgery, I had diarreaha (spelled Wrong) but after that, I have been doing great. I teach so the bathroom trips are very limited. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. If I were you, I would make the appt. with Dr. Shina's Office or whatever dr. you choose, and talk with them about it. It cleared up a lot for me and I made my decision based on that. God bless. Angie

I would thoroughly research your surgery choice. I don't know of any docs in KY State who do that particular type of surgery.
The RNY is considered the gold standard of bariatric surgery. I had mine done laproscopically at Georgetown Hospital and I can't say enough wonderful things about their program.
My start weight was 360 and in 3.5 months, I've lost 92 lbs. I'm also about the same height as you.
I have a website with lots of info and you can also check out my profile for more on my journey if you're interested.
Good Luck to you on your journey, whereever it takes you!
Lap RNY on 10-1-03