Please read and advise me!!!
Ok, started a new job today..problem is they don't know about my surgey yet, since I'm still in the appeals process, i didn't mention it. If I get approved in the next little bit, i will have to have the surgery ASAP, since I am appealing through my COBRA plan, and if my new ins. kicks in (90 days) then my COBRA is COBRA is expensive... 300 bucks/month..
Here's where I need the advice..
If I get approved, how do i handle getting off?? I work in a small doctor's office, and am terrified of losing my job. i know there are a million jobs out there, but this one is 1 mile from my house, verses the hour drive one WAY i had before.... Any advice on how to tell them I will be off will be VERY helpful.. Thanks guys!!

I am not sure who the new insurance company is at your new job, but I would find out as much information on it as possible. Research to see if maybe the new Ins. company is any better at approving the surgery than that of your Cobra plan. It may be benificial for you to wait until your new ins. kicks in before you proceed. I know I have CHA Health and I didn't have to do any special tricks to get them to approve me. I am 25 years old and have the normal problems related to needing the surgery. I went through the process and got an approval 2 weeks after Docs sent my info. So if CHA Health is your new ins. I would look into it. As far as your job, you need to be honest with them. Tell them that you are trying to get approved and where you are in the process. They will be less ticked off about finding out now than down the road when you only give them a little notice that you need some time off. Yet, you have known about it for a long time. GREAT LUCK with your approval. Jessica Merriman

April, I am happy to hear that you got a job. I agree with the last poster, I think you should be honest NOW rather than LATER, tell them up front that you are in the process of being approved for WLS and that you have no idea when to expect approval. Tell them you will let them know as soon as you know...and that way there can be nothing used against you later. I hope the new insurance compnay is one that might be easier to deal with. Good Luck and keep me posted. Give a kiss to Gracie!!!!
LOL... gracie is doing great.. little thing had a great christmas!! how was yours?? did you get my card??
ANYWHO.... my new insurance is harder to get the approval, and i have to wait 3 months before it kicks in, so I'm going with Cobra. My new dr. office I work for is SMALL, and I am so scared if I tell them it's for WLS, they'll refuse to let me off. Since we have less than 50 employees, there is no FMLA in effect... I don't want to do the wrong thing and get approved with insurance and then not get my time off approved... AHHHHHH... this journey is killing me!! LOL... ttyl!
Hi April:
I don't know where you're having your surgery, but, I spent two nights in the hospital with my RNY and was walking the block the day I got home....
How much time do you think you'll need off? If you schedule your surgery perhaps around a holiday, you could not have to be off too many days. That's what I would do.
I don't think they can fire you for taking off to have surgery, and if they do, you don't want to work for someone like that, you know?
Your health is more important than having a job close to home, you know? I would say just go forward and cross the bridge when you get there. Don't say anything until you have approval. Ask them when would be a good time for you to have several days off, offer to train a temp secretary in your absence and try to schedule around a holiday that would automatically be an "off" time.
Good luck!
I started a new job in October and had my surgery in November. I told them at my interview about my upcoming surgery (even though at the time I didn't have a date), and even had to ask for double the time off due to complications (I was out of work for almost a month). They were very nice about everything (I work in food service). Being that you now work at a doctor's office, they especially should unsderstand the importance of you having this done and the complications that will keep you out of work for much more time if you don't get this done! I agree with everyone else--honesty is the best policy.
Good Luck,
I think I agree with the other posters... I would tell them now, so when you are approved you will not have to worry about the time off... And since you have to get the surgery soon after approval they will be expecting it, I think that would be better than waiting until the last minute.. How is the appeal going ? I've been in the appeals process myself and the denial letter said they would respond within 30 days after receipt of my appeal... Well Monday will be 30 days and No news yet.... How long have you been appealing ? Good Luck and God Bless.... Debbie