Oh my gosh! What an ordeal, but I made it! I just wanted to thank EVERYONE (and there were a lot) that prayed for me and signed my surgery page. I'm with Sharan Howard in saying, it's funny how you can feel so close to people and never have met them! I won't bore you with the details but I'll add my ordeal on my profile if you want to read it. Mine wasn't that good but I think everyone needs to know the good and the bad that happens. Maybe it'll make people aware of questions they may never have asked. Later! Laura!! (Thanks again)
Hooray!! Hooray!! ! 

SOO glad to hear from you. I'm soo glad you are on your way to recovery. I am preop and it didn't "scare" me when I read your profile update. Like you said, there are complications that all people considering this surgery HAS to be aware of! Rare or common..it could happen to any of us! I'm just so glad you are doing much better!!! Welcome Back!!

Hi Laura, I'm so glad that you made it through ok
. I had my open surgery 12/1/03 and I feel stronger by the day. Been trying to get out everyday, my husband and I walk in the mall. I have a fuzzy headed feeling sometimes but other than that doing well. Can you tell me what kind of broth you are drinking? The stuff I have is AWFUL
!! I can't even begin to tell you. May God Bless YOU as you recover. Thanks, Jill

Hi Laura,
I'm hoping to have surgery also. I live in Lexington and I'm going to St. Josephs East. I read your story and would love to know more. I went for my appointment with the internist and nutritionist last week. Of course I couldn't think of a thing to ask them and now I'm full of questions!!! typical huh? I'de love to hear from you. And thanks for the inspiration!
Shebonnia Griffith