Are revisions common after a year or two?
I was talking to a friend that has heard a bunch of people (her words) that she knows have had WLS and then a year or two down the road, they are able to eat alot and need to get the procedure done again! Does anyone know if this is natural or are these people just eating more than their pouch can hold and stretching it out. I DO NOT want this to happen to me. I feel if we do all the right things we'll be OK but I'm a pre-op and have no basis to say that yet. Any answers out there? Laura Johns
seems like there are a few people getting revisions. It is possible they were not transected and had a staple line disruption or something else wrong. yes, it is possible to stretch your pouch but they stretch a little anyway after awhile. The key is to use your "honeymoon" period to change your eating habits. These MUST be changed or the weight will come back. I have also heard that a 5-10% regain is the usual. But back to the revisions, docs won't do them unless there is a mechanical problem with your plumbing.
Well here I am again on you guys messageboard....anyways I had my 1st surgery in 1984 things have changed alot since then so what your hearing from most of who have had before is not what your getting now its been fine tuned so don't let anyone freak you out.Besides I know even with my staple line disruption I was partly responsible by being irresponsible.
Patti, you are right. What they do now is totally different from what the old surgeries. I had JIB (intestional bypass) in 1981. This did not involve any kind of stomach stapling. It was bypass only. After many, many years of health problems and finally last year a huge bowel obstruction, I had to have a takedown (not a revision) of the original surgery to save my life. My insides were terribly messed up. At that time nothing else was done to me. After gaining 85 pounds in less than a year after that, I had the RNY in Feb. this year. Exactly one year later. But I am not called a revision because there was nothing to revise. I am called a redo-redo. When they started, my insides were like someone who had never had a wls. Not all the old surgeries were stomach stapling. That came after my JIB. My type of surgery is no longer done in the U.S. because many people died from complications. As my doctor said, I was one of the lucky ones that lived to tell about it.