surgery month
Well i received a call today, they said my insurance had approved me, They sent it in on Tuesday and today im approved
They did not however give me a surgery date , they gave me a month. It will be in Feburary
Unless she said there are some bump ups as she called them. I was so excited because the insurance went through i didnt stop to think
about the actual surgery date being so far, I dont know if i can hold out that long
I want this surgery so very bad.
So please keep me in your prayers, i realize there are some who have been waiting for yrs. Patience just isnt one of my strong suits, me and the lord are still working on that one
. thanks for all your replys it helps talking to others.

HI Laura...First of all i wanted to say Congrats on getting approved...I know what you mean about patience they told me mine probably won't be until MARCH....WHOAA but there is people cancelling their surgeries everyday or almost everyday for one reason or another..Just make sure you tell them you want on the list for any cancellation even if it is the next day??? If you could do that....I did that with a sleep study they gave me this way later date...I called for about 2 days reminding them I will go in at the last minute just let me get it done...Well they called me about 6 hours before I was supposed to be there a day later.....That same week...Amazing....So hang in there...With all the holidays it really will go fast.....Take care Jennifer
Pamela E.
on 11/7/03 12:05 pm
on 11/7/03 12:05 pm
Laura, I didn't think my time would ever come. Now here I am 3.5 weeks post op. Prepare yourself by reading all you can and doing what your doing by sharing
with those who have already gone through it. You are changing your way of thinking about food and are starting out on a whole new way of life. If you start adjusting now, it will be all the easier for you later. Also, you might want to start building yourself up now and if possible taking off as much as possible preop. You go girl!

Thanks for your Posts. I am , I spend anywhere from 3 to 6 hours on this thing
And i have already started my exercise routine
and i have a freind who is a dietician so she is helping me learn about the proteins and the carbs, as i have never thought about them in any long terms. I tried thinking about someone canceling their appt, but then i felt bad about thinking and wishing that because i know how hard it is to come to this, then to either change your mind cause your uniformed or other reasons, i dont wish that on anyone , i guess i'll just keep in prayer and the good lord will see me through. I want to say thank you again, everyone on here has been so helpful, and reading all the profiles , i have learned so much and know alot of what to exspect, and that truly helps. Thank all of you again, may god be with you whether you are already on the loser side, or standing on the sidelines cheering everyone else on till your time to play.