Need help in finding a Dr. who accepts KY Medicaid
I had gastric bypass RNY in 2005. I lost 130 pounds which left me with still 40 lbs to lose. No matter what it won't come off. My previous Dr. referred me to Dr. Wilhelmi to have a panniculectomy, a mons pubis reduction, and possibly a breast reduction. I'm on KY medicaid and have been getting mixed instructions from my plastic surgeon, but as my family Doctor put it all the weight I have left is on my abdomen. He suggested I find another plastic surgeon but I don't know of anyone in Ky. If anyone knows of one within a 3or 4 mile radius that will accept KY Medicaid would please let me know. I'm at my wits end. I have a chronic rash underneath my belly and on my legs from where moisture and friction take effect. Thank you and God bless.