what has changed for you?
Hello KY board-
what has changed for you since you surgery?
oh, how has my life changed? Oh, soooo many ways.
I have much more energy. I do much more around the house. I also go out running around alot more. I run the errands for the house more now too.
I think it is funny to be able to shop much more. I went to buy new pants the other day and my old panties bunched up and caused problem for the zipper. LOL! I can shop in rgular sizes...without a w..and at regular stores.
I can cross my legs.
I can more than keep my preschoolers busy moving with them.
I can not recognize myslef in the windows of stores or doors. That is a sometimes shocking yet very rewarding change.
I can do so much more. I can I can I can!
What can you do that you couldn't do before, or the same way before???

At this Thanksgiving season, I'm thankful for my family, my church family, my friends, those with whom I work (including the students) and of course, Dr. Allen and staff for helping give me my life back- what a blessing! Thanks for asking, Teach!
Sizes......22-24 to 2-4.
Riding in an airplane.........no seatbelt extenders needed :)
Riding amusement park rides.......the harnesses will now close and I don't exceed weight limits.
Wearing a bathing suit in public and not feeling like I need to hide.
Simply feeling like I fit in..............and not being embarrassed to be me.
Being more outspoken and standing up for myself......voicing my opinion.
Just a few off the top of my head!
The only thing I'm having problems with right now is my blood pressure being too low. That is going to be taken care of next week when I visit the doctor. I have some terrible dizzy spells when I get up from a seating position or bend over and straighten up. I tingle and feel as though I'll pass out. I hate it and hope it goes away soon.
Everything is better, even the world looks better as my eyes have gotten BETTER! So I'm getting new glasses!
I can wear regular sizes and feel good in my clothes. I was in 20-22W and am now beginning to wear 8s!
I no longer have sleep apnea or constant knee and back pain. I can take my dogs for a walk and RUN with them! I also can sit on the floor and play with my great-niece--and get up all by myself! My husband and I go hiking for fun--and it used to be torture to walk up a flight of stairs.
I still have 20-30 pounds to lose, but I feel like a new person--healthy, happy, and full of life!