my positive post
i have lost sixty six lbs as of this morning sister and my bf ( who was avoiding me for a while) is walking with me everyday..i try to get in 3 miles a day (not at once) six mths ago i could not walk around the mall to go shopping with my girls..i could not walk in the grocery store..i could not hardly walk at all I CAN WALK!!!! i have a rare skin condition that causes knots to appear on my legs when i walk ..i found a medicine by researching online that has put in a type of remission however my legs still ached and i couldnt walk..HOWEVER since losing 66lbs and with the help of some mild pain reliever I CAN WALK...and one day I WILL RUN!!!!
Wow Congrats!!! I'm proud of ya. Gosh I can't wait til I have my surgery. The other day I went to the store to shop around...I swear...I wasn't in there for more than ten minutes til I started sweating soo bad that this one lady asked if I was ok lol. My face was red, always keep a hair bow with me incase moments like this and had to sit down after just TEN MINTUES. This really sucks...hope I don't make anyone mad by saying that word. Sorry If I do. Best wishes and Hope all is well