There are nice people out there still
I had to go krogering at 7:30 this morning(don't ask why it's a long story) and as I was walking over towards my car this very elderly woman was trying to load her groceries out of her cart. Well she pick up a bag and the bottom fell out of it and everything was rolling all over the place. This nice young man chased all of her stuff down then walked three cars down to a woman who had a baby and asked if he could give her $5 dollars for all of her baby wipes so he could wipe off the parking lot gunk from this woman's groceries. Not only did he wipe off all the stuff that fell on the ground he rearranged all the other groceries in her trunk to make them easier to lift.
See just when we thought there are few kind peopleleft in this world one pops up out of the blue
See just when we thought there are few kind peopleleft in this world one pops up out of the blue