i set a goal that i wanted to be 289 by the end of august ..my sister came over and weighed and then she convinced me to weigh and against my better judgement i did...but low and behold i am now 288.5!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have lost 4 lbs since tuesday. i cant help it i am so excited ...thanks for letting me share..i hope you all have a great weekend!
Congratulations!!!! I'm so proud of you. You did good. I understand completely about not wanting to stand on that scale. It is dissappointing sometimes. I've maintained 181 for like almost 4 weeks now...oops I droped to 178 for like 2 days...and right back up I went. I was really liking loosing 3 lbs a day or so....Now, it feels like its gonna take forever again. I understand, my body is still loosing inches but - UGGGHHH the numbers kill me. I' m so excited for you - you should be psyched. Have an awesome weekend also! K : 0)