Hey there everybody!!

on 8/16/09 1:01 pm - Goshen, OH
Maybe they can't handle the strong personalities Lee Ann, but it is kinda funny...we always end up sparing with each other when actually it wasn't about us in the first place!!!
Lee Ann B.
on 8/16/09 9:22 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
That's because you always show up in the posts that I have already been posting on.......ironic isn't it......some of these gals need to either be able to defend their own remarks (Jonda and Lovekitten) or step away. Instead they call on you to moderate when in all actuality it just tends to add fuel to the fire. Not to mention make you look like a mother hen to them. We have had this debate before so no sense re-hashing it. We both see the path its going down and know its a dead end with just you and me.

on 8/16/09 10:37 pm - Goshen, OH

what's even funnier Lee Ann is that the two you mentioned aren't the ones who come "running"
to me, I think you might be surprised to find out who those ladies are. 
sorry can't do this today....waiting in the hospital same day with my mother...she needs me right now..we will have to pick this up another time.
Lee Ann B.
on 8/17/09 12:18 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
It's irrelevant who it is...its how it makes you appear on the board but if you are good with it so be it. Best of luck to your mother...hope all turns out for the better.

on 8/16/09 11:13 pm - aurora, IN
I am my way outthe doo.
But i think i should say that i did go to Brenda one time when i was in the hospital and she helped me with an issue.For that i am grateful
Since that time i have made more friends on the board and LeeAnn is like my sister always there for me and i dont know what i would do with out her most of the time.
In life we make friends and lose friends buti feel blessed to have met the people i have and i know it is diffrent when you meet people in person than just on the board.
I recently got the pleasure of meeting Amy and she is awesome.
But again opinons are like a..hoes everyone has one but doesnt mean everyone else is gonna like it.
I say to the newbies dont let this keep you from posting.
on 8/16/09 11:28 pm - Lexington, KY
I say to the newbies dont let this keep you from posting.

As a newbie to posting on the board & having had surgery only a few weeks ago-seeing the kind of arguing that has gone on here in the last week doesn't just discourage me from posting, but it also discourages me from finding any kind of support amongst the people here in the KY forum.  I had hopes that this board would be a place to hopefully meet new people (on the board & in real life) that I could relate to, but instead the arguments don't make anyone look good.  

Not respecting each other's opinions, stating opinions as facts, assuming other's intentions, talking down to each other, directing mean spirited posts to one another, and taking generic comments to heart are not exactly welcoming to new members of this forum.  At first, as a newbie, I'd hoped to ignore it-but instead it just makes you scared to post. 

I was excited to learn there was a KY forum, but have seen more drama here over opinions stated as facts and people taking jabs at each other just because they disagree.  There is never any shame in agreeing to disagree-we're not all going to think and believe the same way.  And there is also no shame in admitting when you're wrong, or apologizing for being rude.  But on this particular forum, it seems as if pride is more important than the advice and friendship that people come here to find.

on 8/16/09 11:39 pm - Goshen, OH
Hey Lisa, It was my pleasure to help you out...I am glad I was there. Never be sorry you ask anyone no matter who it is for help...this isn't that play ground where we have to take sides..at least I would nope that is not the case..."if you play with her I won't be your friend "
kind of thing.. This has absolutely nothing to do with you at all...actually for some reason it seems to be an issue between me and Lee Ann..for what reason I am not sure..
I don't dislike anyone and would help any person with a question or problem..the truth is as you get further out...you will have less and less time for the board and support..it's just part of the evolution of things.  a new group of folks will be here after you saying the same thing...
bad thing is when you are 6 yrs out there is no support at all....I just try to help whenever I can...but it seems to get everyone upset, and that's not what I want.......or need.
I was in your shoes and i had the greatest support group at that time..it was huge, we had clothing exhanges, picnics..get togethers..outtings..but again, we all got so busy with our new active lives the board just isn't where we can find each other...and rarely have time to get together..some of  us email and chat...
You will find it too..so for now, keep close to your new friends that support you and are there for you during your struggles...it's very important.
I wish you all well and good luck with your weight loss..cheers to you all....gotta get back to the waiting room in case they call me..mom should be out of surgery soon...
the best to you all
Lee Ann B.
on 8/17/09 1:28 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Brenda...I think its because we are very strong women and stand up for what we believe in and are not afraid to say what we want to say. I know Lisa (sweetheart) and I have discussed the fact you were such a help to you at a point she needed help and I commend you for that. But I guess i am old school in the adage that people need to just be honest and and hear what others are saying...not interprete it into something else. If you are not sure on it...don't assume...ask if you understood it right. Emotions and tones cannot be conveyed on here.....so that is sometimes a downfall. People who know me know that I would do anything I could to help someone...and keep them from harms way. But if you don't know me then my words probably do come across as no nonsense. Candy coating is just a waste of time in my life.  

_Lisa.....this board is somewhere you take and leave what you want...its great because the choice is yours. I have many friendships I may have made on here but we have continued to maintain them off the board now. We are all still struggling and its hard no matter how far out you are. If I have a day where I just want to eat out of depression....they understand and "talk me down" so to speak. If I am po'd they let me rant and cry and do whatever I need to release these emotions or feelings. If I have a questions I ask, if I need a recipe, I ask,...anything. All because of this board! We have been labeled a "clique" numerous times on here and we are thrilled because for the most part we part of an ever growing group of people that support, encourage, and most of all care about each other. So don't let the bickering, differences of opinions, etc...put you off. Its merely people being people! No board is without its drama in any dose. You just do what you need to do for you.

(deactivated member)
on 8/17/09 12:18 pm, edited 8/17/09 12:42 pm
I have tried to write my feelings but am afraid I will get yelled at for my opinion so I will delete it and keep it to myself..that is the problem I have been here before the bickering was then too..it scares people from wanting to post.  like lisa I went to Brenda for help and she lead me to Dr. Tom.  He was fantastic and she even went with me.  later I ask  him if he minds I go to her for questions he said...yes I trust he completely.  I also see Leaan helps people alot so why not pull together and make a stronger support system instead of taking control of the board..either or you.
i would love to attend some of the things brenda has up her way and would love to join in on clothing exchanges and get togethres but neither place is convenient for me..and to be honest i am afraid if anyone knows me and knows i am a big supporter of dr. Tom and brenda i won't be welcome that is ashame.  this place isn't for me because i hate to see people disagree, guess i had enough fighting in my house with an alcoholic dad.  i like peice and quiet.  thank gooness for now i only have cats.  lol
but since my last post i had RNY and have lost 56 lbs.  i wi**** was more but i am still losing.  yeaahhhh
Lee Ann B.
on 8/17/09 9:05 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
First off...huge congrats of the loss!!!! That is great no matter  how big or small! Personally 56 lbs is a huge loss so kudos to you!  I don't know if you are aware (or anyone else) but when we do our get togethers we have every type or surgery by all different  Drs so please don't ever feel like you will have any issues with that. Lisa comes to alot of the get togethers and I don't think she has ever had any issues..Lisa have ya?  We also try to move the get togethers around so others in other areas can get together with us as well. Its only fair after all.  I cannot speak for Brenda but I am able to say alot of times I have agreed to disagree and left things at that.

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