Hey there everybody!!

on 8/16/09 6:36 am - KY
First and foremost, Lee Ann is my friend.  I have never said nor would I ever tell anyone to go away just because they don't see things the way I see them.  Yes, I have been told many times that someone does not agree with me but that is their opinion just like I have my opinion.  I was a supervisor in a court system and I have heard it all.  I like getting other opinions because that's my way of learning.

Also, I'm not on here to judge you or be judged myself.  I have problems with my surgery just like most of you do and need answers.  Too bad I don't use this board any more because I'm tired of being judged by people (not mentioning names) that have not had the kind of surgery I have and don't know about it. 

Most every one thinks that their doctor is the best.  I think mine is too but I won't put yours down because you chose him/her.  Accept my decision as I accept yours. 

I do read the posts here but very seldom write anymore.  It seems like with or without the ones who are not on here much, the drama continues.
on 8/16/09 3:28 am
I really don't know why I was brought in to this on this board, the KY board, yes, but not on the main board.  But that's OK I don't really mind. 

Soonthin, thank you for saying what I was thinking.  I think some people just like to live with chaos in their lifes and I have enough of that without having it here on OH.  I also agree with you, if I am sued, then I will deal with it.  LOL don't know what they would get if they sued me because I have nothing and at my age it is doubtful that I will ever have anything. 


 RNY 1/24/11

on 8/16/09 6:43 am
To quote a wise person....."OK...everyone lets sing Kumbaya and play nice now that the chosen one has spoken! "   NOT!!!!!

I don't think this was a nice post to someone. I agree with Jonda, at least be kind if you want to state your opinion!
on 8/16/09 11:39 am - Goshen, OH
Is it a full moon tonight or what?  why is it if anyone disagrees with someone's opinion we end up taking sides, it's so high schooli**** cracks me up!!  I never get upset when someone else expresses their opinion and don't get upset because someone on a message board doesn't like me.  WE all have our own opinions and for those who can't handle that.oh well..don't read the post..jumping on them and putting each other down just draws it out and draws more attention to it..

And come on don't pick on Jonda..she is probably one of the sweetest and most giving person on this site.  She has a ton of obsticles, personally if you want to talk about hero's talk to this chick..she is deaf and had never used that as any excuse,..she is supportive and caring and actually was sincerely upset.  I think if two people have a disagreement let them deal with it...it's silly everyone had a gang war over it..lol...as for being someone's hero, I hope NO ONE ever looks up on me that way...I am a work in progress, I will stress and struggle the rest of my life with a food addiction that almost took my life before WLS..I look at myself as lucky and fortunately to be a patient advocate, but I also know that training landing me the incredible job I have today with Cancer patients..I have become so passionate with my work that I have left bariatrics almost completely and not because someone agrees or disagrees with me.  If we get this upset every time someone disagrees with us ..how could be ever make it in real life.
If you are someone who knows LeeAnn and adores her, then I am happy for you...I didn't make a statement against her..I stated what I know in my own training and experience..I didn't even mention her name..so I have no idea why that even started...

fortunately I have gotten so busy with my own life to spend much time here...but if anyone wants to contact me direct...your emails are always welcome...I will be back next weekend..hugs to all.
Lee Ann B.
on 8/16/09 12:29 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Are you freaking kidding me? Don't pick on Jonda!     Pllleeeaaasssseeee 
If she is gonna put remarks out there then she must be big girl enough to take the heat. No...instead they come running to you to save the day and make peace. Not happening this time Brenda. She wants to throw crap...she's gonna get dirty too. Why are you evem bringing up her deafness? She doesn't. You say  "WE all have our own opinions and for those who can't handle that.oh well..don't read the post..jumping on them and putting each other down just draws it out and draws more attention to it.." Well why are you posting then? Isn't that a contradiction to your statement. If Jonda gets upset because of a post I made to Jacqueline...then that is her issue to deal with. They always seem to call you out to make peace on the board and to be honest, I along with alot of others (including Dr S patients)are over it. We have as much right to post as anyone. We left.....for quite a while in facrt since we were always to blame over the Dr bickers. Well since we left this board has been dead. Where are all the anti-cliques people to offer advice and answer all the newbies questions? Non-existant thats where! So guess what...we are back...at least those of us that chose to be, and like you said...if ya don't like the post...pass it by....As for me...I have made many many close relationships on this board and from this board and I will be damned if anyone is gonna run me off. I am here so if ya don't like it get over it or block me so you do not have to read what I say. That is why OH has installed that feature after all.

on 8/16/09 12:58 pm - Mt. Washington, OH

on 8/16/09 12:28 pm - KY
CHILDREN CHILDREN.... This is funny, we leave because U all say we are the trouble starters but yet ur still at it...

  Jacqueline.. i hate tto point it out BUT  I will.. U are lying.. U knew weiss and oldham didnt do their fills.. U posted on the MSN board with Kathy, who now works for Dr Husted in somerset, and THEY made it known on that board that the P.A's did the adjustments,, they also make it known in the seminars... Sooooo.. BULL CRAP.. I have followed your story a long time and I know for a fact that is crap...
   Now, U like Dr.S, fine.. I run around with three of his patients who think the world of him.. But what is gonna happen when u dont lose under his care??? 
  as for the rest of you,,l cant believe that you would attatck LeeAnn, but its normal for you all.. Brenda for someone " who is so busy" you sure do end up in the middle of these messes...

  First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band

on 8/16/09 12:49 pm, edited 8/16/09 12:51 pm - Goshen, OH
I couldn't agree more, I do get pulled in to many more messes than you know, it does get to me at times..
AND as for Jonda, yes of course I was kidding..but I forget it's a private joke in the chat room we were just in.  everytime Jonda has a duh moment she teasingly blames her deafness.  She is an awesome and very strong person..no one needs to fight this woman's battles..there's no doubt about that..
And I still have no idea why I am getting slammed...you shouldn't be threatened by me, actually I am a pretty nice person..lol
and as for Dr. S's patients over me, well that's good...as I don't want anyone to lean on anyone else..be independant and strong..that's my philsophy...and I am soooooo busy myself I have so much going on..but do seem to get drawn in to this.  I am doing an online class as we speak ..as you know when someone post on your thread it pops up in email...so I read and thought I would reply.  But I am really tired of this nonsense.....it's like who is better and who does more and who does this and who does that..I am just not into that kinda thing.
you guys can have the board...most have moved on as have I...I just can't help myself when someone calls, text or pages me to get on here.....it's like an addiction ...you guys know what I am talking about..you all seem to spend enough time on message board.
take care..
on 8/16/09 1:11 pm
Dawn,  I did not know and nothing is going to happen when I don't lose under Dr. S.  Because I have already lost and am very happy.  It was not told in the seminar that I went to and I do not believe you were there to know if it was or not.  I may have found out after I had surgery but prior to I did not know this.  I am thinking Stan told me before my fill to ask for a certain PA and maybe I found out when all the talk about the guy in the office being bad at fills and refuse him.  I am not sure about that part.  It has been over a year now.  Honestly though I will always stick to my guns and say that it should not have taken them 7 months to find a leaking port.  Which my OR report does say it was leaking.  Something should have been said to the doctor when two of the people in the office thought I might have an erosion, but since one contaminated the fluid with blood they didn't want to show it to him because he would jump on them, so they told me.  So I waited longer, and longer and longer,  Dawn, do not call me a liar because that is one thing I am not and even if after my surgery I found out the PA and ARNPs did the fills, I sure didn't know the doctor didn't see you again at all, unless there was trouble. 

It really hurt me when LeeAnn said I should have done my homework, which isn't exactly what she said, but the same meaning.  I did do my homework and you k now I did not know anyone that had a band, personally until I went to the get together that night before my stress test.  I didn't even know what questions to ask, but I did read books and in the books the doctors do the fills and follow ups.  I also worked in the medical field for years and all doctors I knew and know do their own follow ups, even if the PA sees them first.  I now know that this is not always the case but I learned it the hard way.


 RNY 1/24/11

Lee Ann B.
on 8/16/09 12:56 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Thats just it Brenda...I am not threatened by anyone so why do they always pull you in. Too funny!

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