Dr. Shina was there all the time!
For everyone *****ad my earlier post about "where was Dr. Shina" - He was there all the time, waiting for me at his Suburban office. It was just a mixup with the answering service and they were able to work me into an appointment yesterday afternoon, so all is well. My labs were great and my weight ticker below is official and correct! Hurray! It's always good to have my bathroom scale confirmed and official! lol
I hope everyone who had flooding problems is back to normal now - looking at the Courier-Journal I could see how bad things got for a lot of people in this area. I'm headed back home to Tompkinsville later today - it's been good to be here, but home is waiting for me and I'm ready to go. Hugs to everyone!
(This is me on my way back to Tompkinsville! lol)
I hope everyone who had flooding problems is back to normal now - looking at the Courier-Journal I could see how bad things got for a lot of people in this area. I'm headed back home to Tompkinsville later today - it's been good to be here, but home is waiting for me and I'm ready to go. Hugs to everyone!

Hi Cindy:
Me AGAIN, how was your visit with Dr. Shina? I know a lot of people do not take to him, but I find him okay. He doesn't laugh much or joke around, and sometimes seems a little too serious, but what he does is serious.
I'm glad to hear things are well with your labs and you have lost 123 pounds! WOW. Have you had any 'WOW' moments?
Me AGAIN, how was your visit with Dr. Shina? I know a lot of people do not take to him, but I find him okay. He doesn't laugh much or joke around, and sometimes seems a little too serious, but what he does is serious.
I'm glad to hear things are well with your labs and you have lost 123 pounds! WOW. Have you had any 'WOW' moments?
My experiences with Dr. Shina have all been positive. The longer I know him the more comfortable he seems about talking of things that are not necessarily all serious. For example, my youngest daughter (18) was with me for my last visit and he was interested in what her major was going to be at WKU (music) and what instruments she plays. He revealed that he was a drummer in a band and that he also had an interest in music. I think he is so concerned with our health and the surgical procedure he is doing (or will be doing) that he may not come across to some people as being "personable" at first. I had heard this from a friend who had recommended Dr. Shina to me - but they assured me that he cared deeply about his patients and I have found that to be true. The longer I know him (and his wife, Holly) the more I am glad I chose Dr. Shina. He seems to be more relaxed each time I see him - I think he really worries about his patients and is very concerned that we are healthy - and I can see he is happy for my success. I never have found his manner to be off-putting or anything less than professional and that is exactly what I look for in a doctor and surgeon.
My next visit is in 3 months and I'm looking forward to seeing him again - and I hope to make him proud of me again! No regrets here at all! My first wow moment was when I buckled my car seatbelt with no extender necessary - that was several months ago! I posted it on this website but that was probably before you were a member online here. That is the one that stands out in my mind right now - there have been other moments - going from a size 5X at Catherines to a 3X has been great too - I'm looking forward to going from a size 26 to a size 24 so I can fit into clothes in the women's department at department stores like Macys. That will probably be the next wow moment for me! I'm also looking forward to getting under the 300 lb. mark because I weighed 305 at my weigh in this week. So close! lol That will be a BIG wow!
My next visit is in 3 months and I'm looking forward to seeing him again - and I hope to make him proud of me again! No regrets here at all! My first wow moment was when I buckled my car seatbelt with no extender necessary - that was several months ago! I posted it on this website but that was probably before you were a member online here. That is the one that stands out in my mind right now - there have been other moments - going from a size 5X at Catherines to a 3X has been great too - I'm looking forward to going from a size 26 to a size 24 so I can fit into clothes in the women's department at department stores like Macys. That will probably be the next wow moment for me! I'm also looking forward to getting under the 300 lb. mark because I weighed 305 at my weigh in this week. So close! lol That will be a BIG wow!
Yep Dr. Shina was in a band, the name of the band was Point 13 .... my sister auditioned for his band back in 1979 lol. Cindy I didn't know your youngest daughter was a music major.
My youngest daughter was in band, drum major, winterguard, flagline etc. we are a artsy fartsy family lol. What does you daughter play
My youngest daughter was in band, drum major, winterguard, flagline etc. we are a artsy fartsy family lol. What does you daughter play
We artsy fartsy people need to stick together! LOL Sallie plays alto saxophone and some piano although she hasn't had much training in piano. She plans to take lessons at WKU when she's there - and she loves singing so I think she may end up teaching vocal music in elementary school, but it's too early to say. She'd ideally love to perform (like millions of other aspiring musicians) but I keep smashing her dreams (lol) and telling her she has to have a paying job when she graduates. So she will pick up the teaching certification - unless she changes her major which is what many of us do after a year. You and your daughter really were all wrapped up in band with her being drum major, etc. I wanted both of my daughters to try out for field commander but neither of them wanted to be the "bad guy" and have to make their fellow band members follow the rules, be quiet, etc. They are more followers than leaders I guess. My daughter played clarinet (like I did), but didn't want to continue it in college. Sallie will be in the marching band at WKU - band camp starts in just a week or two.
Dr. Shina told me to check out Noteworthysite.com for his band he's started up recently. I haven't even gone there yet - I guess I will check it out after I finish this post.
Thanks for replying to my post - nice to have someone good to talk to tonight! :-)
Dr. Shina told me to check out Noteworthysite.com for his band he's started up recently. I haven't even gone there yet - I guess I will check it out after I finish this post.
Thanks for replying to my post - nice to have someone good to talk to tonight! :-)
We are very as you guys put it artsy fartsy at our house to. Patrick and I love love love music(just about every kind) and our 13 year old Mollie(oh my gosh she turns 13 0n 8-19 it's so weird saying she's 13) any way sorry... well let's just say she commits the act of guitar playing. Unfortunately right now somedays it sounds like a moose is being strangled in our house but she practices so hard every day and is making real progress. She is not a singer though, she has paralyzed vocal cords from being intubated as a preemie and then having throat surgery at 9. But the kid loves music. She is also an excellent artist especailly of people(it's very scary how close to people's likeness she draws).
Patrick and I have the musical and artist talent that godgave the common garden slug but it's ok. The other day he's was singing along to a song in our living room and our poor 3 pound chiuchau(sp?) started howling and Mollie looked at him and said can you please stop doing that before our dog has a seizure or goes deaf.
Patrick and I have the musical and artist talent that godgave the common garden slug but it's ok. The other day he's was singing along to a song in our living room and our poor 3 pound chiuchau(sp?) started howling and Mollie looked at him and said can you please stop doing that before our dog has a seizure or goes deaf.