Surgery tomorrow..
Well guys tomorrow is my big day. I don't feel nervous or anything. I am so ready. I am here in Georgetown did my labs this am. Don't know what to expect after surgery, but I will take it one day at a time.. If anyone have any pointers let me have them. Good luck to everyone else that is having surgery tomorrow..
Congrats to you! You will do great. Make sure you have chapstick to take to the hospital with you and walk walk walk walk walk and walk some more as soon as you can after surgery and as much as you will feel so much better if you do. And remember to do your breathing tube thing.....very important.....Let us know how you are doing......I will say prayers for you....
good luck and god bless reneab. try to walk as soon as they let you it helps sooo much. don't try to do anything way too soon when you get back home this is your time and you need to let things heal properly. the first coouple of days home are the hardest but just remember you are adding quality and quanity of life.
Just think...after tomarrow it won't be long til you will be going on the loser bench...I'm soo happy for you...Just keep postive thoughts and keep your head up high. Can't wait til I'm ready for mine. God Bless and wish you a speedy recovery. I'll say a prayer for ya tonight. Hope all goes well!
Please keep me updated with your progress.