DS on 11/14/12
Well its Monday and the last day of my four day weekend. It may sound luxurious, but I worked in my workshop all day yesterday since it rained and was chilly ( too chilly for swimming anyway) to be outside much. I did get 9 cakes made-3 were special orders for a baby shower. We grilled yesterday and my band was very non-compliant all day! Nothing would stay down. Have an appt with Dr Thursday.....hoping it resolves before that though! Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Hi LeeAnn
It was rainy here yesterday as well. I have been doing extra cleaning to work on the way the house was. I think having more energy has been good. But all the cleaning is driving the hubby nuts. I hope he gets over it as we have company coming and I can make it the way I want it...clean! Ha. No, but I am doing alot more. He is really sick of the laundry...I am almost totally caught up (pretty rare before suregery with no energy) and keeping on top of it.
I cleaned b-i-l's stuff from the rooms he had put it in. Now, I need to move the rest to the basement- where he can get it when he wants it.
Cleaned our sons room, vaccuumed and plan on steam cleaning this week. Did the same with the guest room and plan on steaming that room the same time. Did the formal dining and am cheating using it for laundry groupings. Have gotten rid of a ton of clothes, both mine and my sons. I have gone down and he has gone up...he's growing.
Though all that sounds tedeous I am actually enjoying doing all the work because I have energy.
It was rainy here yesterday as well. I have been doing extra cleaning to work on the way the house was. I think having more energy has been good. But all the cleaning is driving the hubby nuts. I hope he gets over it as we have company coming and I can make it the way I want it...clean! Ha. No, but I am doing alot more. He is really sick of the laundry...I am almost totally caught up (pretty rare before suregery with no energy) and keeping on top of it.
I cleaned b-i-l's stuff from the rooms he had put it in. Now, I need to move the rest to the basement- where he can get it when he wants it.
Cleaned our sons room, vaccuumed and plan on steam cleaning this week. Did the same with the guest room and plan on steaming that room the same time. Did the formal dining and am cheating using it for laundry groupings. Have gotten rid of a ton of clothes, both mine and my sons. I have gone down and he has gone up...he's growing.
Though all that sounds tedeous I am actually enjoying doing all the work because I have energy.