school shopping
My son always seems to grow AFTER school starts so I do not buy lots of new things for school. I get one outfit and buy clothes thru the year.
Now, school supplies are due at the beginning of school so usually I get them at the mid point in July.
How much is on your sons list?
This is my sons: Oh, he is in 5th grade:
1 zipper pencil pouch
2 packs of pencils
2- 5 subject notebooks
4- sturdy heavy-duty folders with prongs (plastic only)
4 packages of narrow rule loose leaf paper
2 spiral notebooks
1 gluestick (boys)
1 pair scissors (girls)
1 school planner - purchased at school
1- 2 1/2 in binder with clear plastic sleeve cover
2 packages of pencil erasers
4 sets of spiral-bound 3x5 ruled index cards
Not to sure what it will run, but I am guessing about 40 bucks. That doesn't include anything he may want of his own- colored pencils, extra glue whatever.
***** much stuff does your boy require?
Now, school supplies are due at the beginning of school so usually I get them at the mid point in July.
How much is on your sons list?
This is my sons: Oh, he is in 5th grade:
1 zipper pencil pouch
2 packs of pencils
2- 5 subject notebooks
4- sturdy heavy-duty folders with prongs (plastic only)
4 packages of narrow rule loose leaf paper
2 spiral notebooks
1 gluestick (boys)
1 pair scissors (girls)
1 school planner - purchased at school
1- 2 1/2 in binder with clear plastic sleeve cover
2 packages of pencil erasers
4 sets of spiral-bound 3x5 ruled index cards
Not to sure what it will run, but I am guessing about 40 bucks. That doesn't include anything he may want of his own- colored pencils, extra glue whatever.
***** much stuff does your boy require?