XP: So very upset! Surgery is tomorrow and...

on 6/30/09 7:45 am - Louisville, KY
I got a call from my surgeon's office at 4:00 this afternoon letting me know that the anesthesiologist is refusing to put me to sleep tomorrow morning because I didn't have some additional clearances done (cardiac and pulmonary).  I did everything I was told to do.  I had an EKG, chest x-ray, got a letter from my PCP saying it was okay for me to go under general anesthesia, etc.  I called several days ago to be 100% sure everything was in order and it was.

I've been doing the clear liquid diet for two days.  I am miserably hungry.   I scheduled my surgery to work around set in stone work obligations (court hearings) and my supervisor's vacation.  It would be extremely difficult to reschedule at this point and I don't want to suffer two more days on clear liquids.

I can't understand why I didn't learn of this problem until less than a day before my surgery.  My surgeon's office sent my file to the anesthesiologist last week.  The anesthesiologist says he didn't get it until today.

I am so upset.  I did get to speak to the anesthesiologist and he's agreed to have me come in to the hospital tomorrow morning and he'll decide after talking to me/examining me whether those additional clearances are required. 

Please keep your fingers crossed for me.  I am going to be so upset if this gets delayed.
on 6/30/09 8:01 am - New Albany, IN

Oh Leeanne!  I am so sorry to hear about this problem!   I had to go to the cardiologist and the pulmonologist and it took a heart cath and a visit to the hematologist before I was cleared for surgery from those 2 doctors.  So I hear your pain!  I pray the anesthesiologist sees that you are not at risk and your surgery goes without another hitch!  I'll be thinking of you  tomorrow and waiting for an update.  Good Luck!




on 6/30/09 8:09 am - Louisville, KY
Oh no! I can't believe this! This is RIDICULOUS!

Please let me know what happens.....
on 6/30/09 8:29 am - Louisville, KY

What a bummer.  So sorry you have to go through this.  Please let us know what happens. 

Good Luck!!

Becky in Kentucky
on 6/30/09 8:48 am - Goshen, OH
Leanne, that sucks I know..and it certainly sounds like an ooppss on someone.  But the truth is pulmonary and cardiac clearance is important.  Please understand that this is your life you are dealing with ..being under anesthesia things can happen and the ones working with you that day do not want to take responsibility for you if things were not done.  Wait it out and see what happens tomorrow.  I am really sorry this happened to you, more sorry you are so upset.  I do understand as I have seen things happen but I do believe this is the first time I have seen it go this far without someone catching that the clearances weren't done.  I have heard nice things about Dr. Geller.  from other docs so I am sure he is a good one to have.  Hang in there it will all work out.
on 6/30/09 9:57 am - KY
I am sooooo sorry and I hope that your conversations with the doc's go well.
    There is a gal who comes on the board sometimes who found a major heart problem she knew nothing about when they did her clearance. She was lucky all she had to do was take care of it and reschedule. My pulm clearance pushed me way back too. I ended up having to have 2 sleep studies and a cpap for a month.  I had hoped to have my surgery in Dec but did not get my clearance until the end of dec and had to have surgery on March 30th.
    I KNOW in my heart that this is very frustrating for you, but please remember if they do make you wait the tests are sooo important.
  Good luck with all of it
Lee Ann B.
on 6/30/09 12:05 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12

Leanne....here's to hoping all goes full steam ahead for you in the morning!  It is ridiculous how these things always seem to pop up at the worst moments. Sounds like someone forgot to dot an I or cross a T!!!!   My cardiac clearance test (nuclear stress) was my wake up call. I failed it and had to undergo a heart cath for possible problems. With a family hisyory on both sides I felt doomed. But...I passed it and cardio dr said all clear.  I did however catch sopme other health issues and got them resolved thanks to all the pre-op testing my surgeon requires.
All will go well I am sure....keep us posted!

on 6/30/09 12:24 pm - Capital Region, NY

so sorry for this revolting developement! however,as one of the others pointed out these clearances are important. You don't want to be- [pardon the expression- DEAD SET on having your surgery in the morning- and wind up having unneccessary complications.]
I do hope things work out for you- but if you do have to reschedule- it will work out, somehow.  We just hate to relinquish control of these things especially when we think - that we've done everything that we were told we needed to do.

"Better to be a live dog- than a dead lion" - Proverbs

hope you can get some sleep tonight!!!   {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}

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