Surgery in 3 Weeks, July 17Th..SO SCARED!!!

Lottie, Have you met Cathi Roskin? She is a great gal and she is over the program there in Somerset. I would think you would be more likely to get people that know Dr. Husted on the DS boards. He is so new to KY that I don't know how many people here have used him. I know two that have had him do their DS surgery and one that is waiting for it. Let me see if I can get at least one of them to come over here and answer questions.
Good luck and I will also contact Cathi so she can answer your questions if she is in town this weekend.
By the way I have not met Husted but I have heard only good things about him. I have a lapband and had they not found a leak in it I was considering going to Husted myself and having the DS. If this band doesn't work this go around, I will be doing that.
Hope all goes well and I have already sent one email and a cry for help for you on a forum that I frequent. Hope someone is around this weekend to help you. Truthfully all surgeries are scary but you know what kills more people than anything? Aspirin. Yelp an allergy to a common every day house hold drug.
Good luck and I will also contact Cathi so she can answer your questions if she is in town this weekend.
By the way I have not met Husted but I have heard only good things about him. I have a lapband and had they not found a leak in it I was considering going to Husted myself and having the DS. If this band doesn't work this go around, I will be doing that.
Hope all goes well and I have already sent one email and a cry for help for you on a forum that I frequent. Hope someone is around this weekend to help you. Truthfully all surgeries are scary but you know what kills more people than anything? Aspirin. Yelp an allergy to a common every day house hold drug.
RNY 1/24/11
Thanks so much Jacqueline for your reply!!! Yes I do know Cathi, she is wonderful!! I posted a post on the DS forum you tell me how the two people that you know are doing? How their complications were, if they even had any? Also what was their weight?
I appreciate your reply and all the help I can get!!! Thank yoiu SOOOO much!!!
Sweetheart no matter where you go or where you're always gonna hear someone that is talking about someone that didn't do good after having the surgery or that died having the surgery. It really depends on how good the overall health is I would think. For example...if you weight 600 pounds then thats that more of a chance that you will have some problems, but then may not. I think that you are worrying your pretty little head too much. I can't wait til they tell me when I can have my Lap band. If you know in your heart that this is something that would help you...then go for it. If for some reason that you are too fearful...then maybe you shouldn't do it just then...maybe you need to talk to some friends thats had it and let them give you some support. That way you won't have a nervous break down before having it done. I wish you the very best of luck and please keep us updated on how things go. Congrats...I think you'll do just fine.
Thanks so much for your reply Sebrena!! I know this is what I want I just am a scaredy cat!!! LOL!!! Just normal I guess....Shewww, it is just getting so close to date!! I have a cousin that has had the RNY done she is fine and as far as I know she had a leak in the hospital and they went back in and fixed it and she hasn't had anymore problems as far as I know...I talk to her when I can, it helps....It also helps to hear from people like you on here! Thanks so much for your support!! I will keep you all updated!!
Hi Shannon, I don't have any info on your doctor. My surgery was different too. However, being scared is normal. It is a huge step to have surgery. You have a date. You have done all the research. When I would get scared of complications from the surgery, I would just remember how miserable I was at my highest weight. We all have our own individual post-op experiences. We can only pray and do exactly what our surgeon instructs. Good Luck to you. I hope you get some good answers from others with your doc. Hang in there. My surgery was the best thing I have ever done for me. I am only 4 mo out, but I feel like a different person already.
Becky in Kentucky
I don't know the weight of either of the ladies that I know that used Husted, but they are both doing fine. Like said above, every doctor is going to have some that do great and some tthat don't. You just need to concentrate on getting your surgery, learning all you can and be ready to drop those pounds once you do. The forum that I know these others from is not usually busy on weekends so you may not hear until Monday from anyone, but I am pretty sure that someone will come along an answer your questions that have had DS with Husted.
RNY 1/24/11