Back from Nashville...some ponderings from my trip
I had to go to Nashville for work yesterday. A group of us went out for dinner and I was looking at the menu to look for things that would work for me after I have my surgery next week. I think that eating out will be doable in a restaurant with a nice selection of things on the menu. This morning there was a breakfast provided at the hotel. It consisted of waffles, bagels, English muffins, blueberry muffins, and assorted cereals. Not a bit of it would work for me post-op. That's okay -- it just means that I need to be sure to bring some things with me if I find myself in a situation like that. Planning and preparing is going to be key.
On an unrelated note, I was in Nashville to take an exam for my work and it was HARD! I am a disability representative and the exam was to evaluate my knowledge of the Social Security disability program as it is spelled out in the Code of Federal Regulation (part 20), a huge book full of technical legal information in tiny print. I've been studying for this test for almost a year and it was still very difficult. I know people who have worked in my field for 15 years who didn't pass it in previous years. I know people who worked for Social Security for 20+ years who didn't pass it. I hope that I *did* pass it, but I won't know for 4-6 weeks. Please keep your fingers crossed for me! It's an expensive test ($1000 just to take the darn thing).
On an unrelated note, I was in Nashville to take an exam for my work and it was HARD! I am a disability representative and the exam was to evaluate my knowledge of the Social Security disability program as it is spelled out in the Code of Federal Regulation (part 20), a huge book full of technical legal information in tiny print. I've been studying for this test for almost a year and it was still very difficult. I know people who have worked in my field for 15 years who didn't pass it in previous years. I know people who worked for Social Security for 20+ years who didn't pass it. I hope that I *did* pass it, but I won't know for 4-6 weeks. Please keep your fingers crossed for me! It's an expensive test ($1000 just to take the darn thing).
Good luck on your test. I know taking prior tests you just tend to confuse yourself with all you have to know. I remember I got the test results from a critical test I had to take on Christmas Eve. I was almost afraid to open them thinking I would ruin my Christmas but I passed and it made it all the better.
I wanted to follow up on how your taste change. I was amazed at how things I thought I couldn't live without (Diet Coke) just didn't appeal to me after I had my surgery. I don't mind having the same thing over and over again (cottage cheese, yogurt). I really haven't been tempted by sweets and things they have at school too.
I applaud you for thinking ahead. I just about got sick from so many last meals. I was just bloated and stuffed so the liquid diet (but not the colon cleanse!!!) didn't seem that bad.
Please keep us posted on your success.
I wanted to follow up on how your taste change. I was amazed at how things I thought I couldn't live without (Diet Coke) just didn't appeal to me after I had my surgery. I don't mind having the same thing over and over again (cottage cheese, yogurt). I really haven't been tempted by sweets and things they have at school too.
I applaud you for thinking ahead. I just about got sick from so many last meals. I was just bloated and stuffed so the liquid diet (but not the colon cleanse!!!) didn't seem that bad.
Please keep us posted on your success.
I travel a lot for i have found some things that travel real well for breakfast (like protein bars and lo carb protein powders) I also buy a bag of string cheese and keep it in the hotel room fridge when I travel. Anyplace that serves cereal for breakfast has milk, and usually will have yogurt. I just ask, I am no longer embarrassed about asking as many times, I get "oh..sure!" and they come right back with yogurt or even hard boiled eggs!
As for why you wnet to Nashville....I was handed the Social Security Act the first day on my job as light reading and then told I needed to find a way to memorize (or rapidly search) the entire 42 CFR sections 6-56 (in other words, memorize Medicare LOL)
As for why you wnet to Nashville....I was handed the Social Security Act the first day on my job as light reading and then told I needed to find a way to memorize (or rapidly search) the entire 42 CFR sections 6-56 (in other words, memorize Medicare LOL)