Has anyone seen my wagon??
I'm having such a hard time getting myself back on track!!
I started up the dang accountability posts again and then I bail on you gals! How bad is that??
With my birthday this week, concession food at the swim meets, Richard bringing junk in the house and then me going in for seconds on the Graeter's Raspberry Chocolate Chun**** cream last night, I just can't get my head on straight!
Someone needs to call me a Waaaa-mbulance!! (and a wheelbarrow)
OK, once again time to pull up my big girl panties and get back in my zone if I want to reach my goal before my 2-year mark! Right?
Today won't be good since we are taking his father to Frisch's of all places (hot fudge cake!!) and then will be going to my parents later for dinner (my mom is banded and at goal and has the most SINFUL kitcken) but I will post on accountabilty today no mater what!!
Tomorrow I also get back to the gym!
Anyone else still looking for their wagon?
Oh Lordy!!! I just realized I haven't done the birthday thing with my parents and that side of the family yet so that means.....more cake!!!!
I've been a basket case since June 5th, time to get up tomorrow and get on with my bad self.
I owed it to myself to research the duodenal switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you. Check out DSFacts.com and DuodenalSwitch.com for more information. Remember think twice, cut once, revisions are risky and revision surgeons are rare.
DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats