Kentucky friends we need more posting here!
I know some of us are on Facebook too, but we really need to visit OH more often and post so people know we're here and that we care. I miss reading posts from people close to home.
So, what's new with me? Not much! LOL Except I did get out of the house 2 days in a row (that's saying something for me) and I really enjoyed seeing "UP" the 3-D movie with my girls Sunday evening. I recommend it for ages 3 to 99 - it's a real touching and funny story. I usually don't like animated things because I watched them all the time when my kids were young, but this one is better than most - I'd like to see it again even!
Ok - I did my part to put some posts on here ... anybody else?
Oh - and I am back on track with watching my grazing... I'm not perfect, but I've got a grip on myself now.
So, what's new with me? Not much! LOL Except I did get out of the house 2 days in a row (that's saying something for me) and I really enjoyed seeing "UP" the 3-D movie with my girls Sunday evening. I recommend it for ages 3 to 99 - it's a real touching and funny story. I usually don't like animated things because I watched them all the time when my kids were young, but this one is better than most - I'd like to see it again even!
Ok - I did my part to put some posts on here ... anybody else?
Oh - and I am back on track with watching my grazing... I'm not perfect, but I've got a grip on myself now.
good for you for getting out AND getting back on track.
I have been doing some house stuff. I planted tomatoes cucs and strawberries. I will plant flowers tomorrow. I have been cleaning out closets, drawers, and the pantry. I find that since I am getting rid of large clothes, I want to get rid of unnecessary clutter, little things kitchen utensils- like a pasta measure and duplicate scoops.... I also get lots of little things and I can't keep everything.. so off they go too.
My son and I have had the neighbor girl over at our house the last couple weeks...which is fine. WE had their family over the other night and grilled out. They are good friends to us and their granddaughter is like a sister to my son. They are both onlies and I am glad they have each other...they are like siblings.
I need to walk the dog more and get back to the gym. It is summer for crying outloud....I HAVE the time!
Hubby is doing ok.
That is my post.
Have a great day.
PS thanks for letting me know they are on facebook.... I don't do it so I guess I won't see them.-- but I do miss them all.
good for you for getting out AND getting back on track.
I have been doing some house stuff. I planted tomatoes cucs and strawberries. I will plant flowers tomorrow. I have been cleaning out closets, drawers, and the pantry. I find that since I am getting rid of large clothes, I want to get rid of unnecessary clutter, little things kitchen utensils- like a pasta measure and duplicate scoops.... I also get lots of little things and I can't keep everything.. so off they go too.
My son and I have had the neighbor girl over at our house the last couple weeks...which is fine. WE had their family over the other night and grilled out. They are good friends to us and their granddaughter is like a sister to my son. They are both onlies and I am glad they have each other...they are like siblings.
I need to walk the dog more and get back to the gym. It is summer for crying outloud....I HAVE the time!
Hubby is doing ok.
That is my post.
Have a great day.
PS thanks for letting me know they are on facebook.... I don't do it so I guess I won't see them.-- but I do miss them all.
Sol - I am sure everyone would love to see you on facebook too if you have time to get started with it this summer. I was a reluctant beginner with it initially but my brother encouraged me because he reconnected with college and high school friends with it - plus we keep in touch with relatives and share pictures, etc. Some silly stuff and games too. The format is a better made website (sorry OH) and it's easier to use but I don't think it is as serious or as focused as this website for problems and successes and stuff.
I wish I had your ambition to clean out stuff - my house is crammed full and I still haven't gotten the "urge" to start going through it all. I get inspired sometimes when I hear of others doing that though, so thanks for sharing your organization activities! It would just make life so much easier if I'd get off of Facebook (lol) and get moving my body and clean this place up!
I'm glad your hubby is doing ok. I am ashamed to say this but I've kinda forgotten if he had surgery or has been ill - I get everyone mixed up as to their spouses still. I know if I could get to some support meetings it'd be a lot easier to make those associations in my brain.
Getting back to the gym - and walking - yes! I need to do those things too! Tomorrow I go to WKU with my girls - the youngest is having her orientation/pre-registration day and there'a parental seminar too. I wish I could do that and still swing up to Lville for the support group Tuesday night. Are you going?
And thanks for posting!
I wish I had your ambition to clean out stuff - my house is crammed full and I still haven't gotten the "urge" to start going through it all. I get inspired sometimes when I hear of others doing that though, so thanks for sharing your organization activities! It would just make life so much easier if I'd get off of Facebook (lol) and get moving my body and clean this place up!
I'm glad your hubby is doing ok. I am ashamed to say this but I've kinda forgotten if he had surgery or has been ill - I get everyone mixed up as to their spouses still. I know if I could get to some support meetings it'd be a lot easier to make those associations in my brain.
Getting back to the gym - and walking - yes! I need to do those things too! Tomorrow I go to WKU with my girls - the youngest is having her orientation/pre-registration day and there'a parental seminar too. I wish I could do that and still swing up to Lville for the support group Tuesday night. Are you going?
And thanks for posting!

Congrats on getting back on track, Cindy! I've been lurking but haven't posted much. I'll try to work on that.
Teach, I envy you for wanting to get organized. I know I need to but I keep finding things to do sunbathing and taking my daughter on walks around Etown lake...that keep me from doing any 'real' housework.
Well, I'm still in the very beginning stage of my WLS journey because Dr. Shina rescheduled his seminar again. I 'think' he had some family issues this time that caused him to put it off until June 18th. I hope and pray that it's not rescheduled again.
The good thing is that it will give me even more time to make sure I've gathered all the necessary information my insurance requires for approval. My general practitioner is going to have copies of my medical records showing my medically supervised diet and a letter of recommendation for WLS ready for me to take with me on the 18th. I also have tons of paperwork from Weigh****chers, Etown Swim and Fitness (their diet program), and Jenny Craig showing that I've given it my best effort prior to requesting WLS.
Now all I need is to see Dr. Shina, LOL! I wish patience was one of my virtues because the waiting is getting on my nerves.
Oh well, anything worth having/doing is worth waiting for...right?
Take care everybody! Hope your Summer is going great!
Teach, I envy you for wanting to get organized. I know I need to but I keep finding things to do sunbathing and taking my daughter on walks around Etown lake...that keep me from doing any 'real' housework.

Well, I'm still in the very beginning stage of my WLS journey because Dr. Shina rescheduled his seminar again. I 'think' he had some family issues this time that caused him to put it off until June 18th. I hope and pray that it's not rescheduled again.
The good thing is that it will give me even more time to make sure I've gathered all the necessary information my insurance requires for approval. My general practitioner is going to have copies of my medical records showing my medically supervised diet and a letter of recommendation for WLS ready for me to take with me on the 18th. I also have tons of paperwork from Weigh****chers, Etown Swim and Fitness (their diet program), and Jenny Craig showing that I've given it my best effort prior to requesting WLS.
Now all I need is to see Dr. Shina, LOL! I wish patience was one of my virtues because the waiting is getting on my nerves.
Oh well, anything worth having/doing is worth waiting for...right?
Take care everybody! Hope your Summer is going great!
Vicki - thank you for posting too! It's so good to know there are others out there who are thinking about the same things we have to deal with. It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was in your shoes, trying to round up old WW documents. As it turned out my weight alone and co-morbidities were enough with my doctor visits (6 months minimum - consecutive visits) without having all the old WW documentation. I'm 54 now and started WW for the first time when I was 18 - even got lifetime membership at age 25 but it all went mostly uphill (weightwise) from there. I am just not a good maintenance girl. No discipline, but the surgery has helped a lot in that area. The relationship between my brain and stomach are different now, thank God and Dr. Shina!
The outdoor walking with your daughter sounds ideal - I wouldn't trade that for indoor housecleaning if I could help it either! I still remember taking walks occasionally with my mom after supper - she always loved to walk. I just tolerated it to make her happy. I never was a big fan of exercise - duhhh, I wonder why I've always had so much trouble with my weight? lol I need to change my ways, for sure.
I hope Dr. Shina will get his seminar on the fast track so you can get your surgery scheduled when you want it. I was really impatient with myself and with my insurance company - 6 months seemed like such a long time and then to make it worse I messed up and missed a monthly appointment. I cancelled one mid-month and then tried to reschedule it the last week of that month but then found out the doctor was out of town! I had to start my 6 months all over again. That was one of those moments I wished I could kick myself! But even though it took me from February 2008 to Dec 2008 I finally had it done and now I barely remember the frustration. It is wonderful - a miracle to me.
I need to get some shuteye now - the alarm will ring in a few hours and I will need to head to Bowling Green with my girls for orientation. Take care!
The outdoor walking with your daughter sounds ideal - I wouldn't trade that for indoor housecleaning if I could help it either! I still remember taking walks occasionally with my mom after supper - she always loved to walk. I just tolerated it to make her happy. I never was a big fan of exercise - duhhh, I wonder why I've always had so much trouble with my weight? lol I need to change my ways, for sure.
I hope Dr. Shina will get his seminar on the fast track so you can get your surgery scheduled when you want it. I was really impatient with myself and with my insurance company - 6 months seemed like such a long time and then to make it worse I messed up and missed a monthly appointment. I cancelled one mid-month and then tried to reschedule it the last week of that month but then found out the doctor was out of town! I had to start my 6 months all over again. That was one of those moments I wished I could kick myself! But even though it took me from February 2008 to Dec 2008 I finally had it done and now I barely remember the frustration. It is wonderful - a miracle to me.
I need to get some shuteye now - the alarm will ring in a few hours and I will need to head to Bowling Green with my girls for orientation. Take care!
I am guilty of becoming a bad poster. LOL
Seems like the summer months keep me so busy I barely I have time to breathe.
Glad you are back on track now! We all wander off from time to time, but will find our way back. For me, it is an regular exercise routine that I have trouble maintaining..........that busy schedule thing..............and I am not disciplined enough to get up an hour earlier. My sleep means more to me! LOL
Hope everyone is out enjoying the summer in their new bodies!!!!!!
Seems like the summer months keep me so busy I barely I have time to breathe.
Glad you are back on track now! We all wander off from time to time, but will find our way back. For me, it is an regular exercise routine that I have trouble maintaining..........that busy schedule thing..............and I am not disciplined enough to get up an hour earlier. My sleep means more to me! LOL
Hope everyone is out enjoying the summer in their new bodies!!!!!!
Hi everyone!
I am one of the guilty ones. I don't post on OH much lately due to the summer activities being in full-swing in our household. My online time is more limited and once I check in on what the gals are up to on Facebook it seems like it's time to get off my little computer and do something else or go to bed!
We are also getting ready for our "girls only" weekend (I guess that makes Butch an honorary gal for the next few days) in Chicago for the OH event. When we (me, michelle, dannyell, dawn, leelee, laura and lisa) get back I bet we'll be back on here in spades with stories and pictures for "show and tell"
See y'all soon but for now I gotta go and pack myself, my daughter for going to her aunt's for the weekend and the hubby for a canoe trip too....oh yeah, the dogs need to go to the kennel but first they need their kennel cough booster, there's support group tonight, I still have to go to Kohl's and exchange a dress (my sis bought the same EXACT one).......oy vey!!......does it ever end??
DS on 11/14/12
Like Becca...trying to get things situated at home before the big weekend. That way no one has an excuse to call me whinning...I am returning a dress today before support croup and also looking for a pair of shoes! Want to play dress up one night at least! Lol....I try to ck in every other day but have been lacking in my posting...some are glad for that I am sure!!!lol....
I am not glad you've lacked posting! lol I love hearing from all of you gals - it makes me feel like I know you all even though I've only been to one actual bariatric support group meeting.
I hope you found the shoes and things you wanted for Chicago and hope you have a wonderful time! I wish I could go too! Maybe next year!
I hope you found the shoes and things you wanted for Chicago and hope you have a wonderful time! I wish I could go too! Maybe next year!
Hello fellow Kentuckians! I am getting closer and closer to my surgery date of July 1. Today while I was at Sam's Club, I picked up some protein drinks to have for post-op nourishment and I also got a starter supply of vitamins at Walgreens. I didn't go crazy and buy bulk of those because I want to be sure I tolerate what I bought okay.
My surgery is 3 weeks from tomorrow. I'm surprised that I haven't been eating everything in sight, but it just seems so pointless. I want to be healthier and feel better and pigging out before my surgery isn't going to help with that.
I have a very important test that I have to take out of state the week before my surgery. This is something for my work and my employer has paid $1000 for me to take it. I hope that I'm able to focus on it and do well. I'm a little worried about where my mind is going to be that day!
I keep thinking about how much better I should feel this time next year and that makes me so happy.
P.S. I took my son (he's 8) to see the movie "Up" this past weekend and also recommend it to anyone! It was a very sweet story and had plenty of humor, too.
My surgery is 3 weeks from tomorrow. I'm surprised that I haven't been eating everything in sight, but it just seems so pointless. I want to be healthier and feel better and pigging out before my surgery isn't going to help with that.
I have a very important test that I have to take out of state the week before my surgery. This is something for my work and my employer has paid $1000 for me to take it. I hope that I'm able to focus on it and do well. I'm a little worried about where my mind is going to be that day!
I keep thinking about how much better I should feel this time next year and that makes me so happy.
P.S. I took my son (he's 8) to see the movie "Up" this past weekend and also recommend it to anyone! It was a very sweet story and had plenty of humor, too.