I have a fat head...
So, I'm only 2 months post-op, but I still have a fat head...meaning...I still fill my plate, or order what I use to order, thinking I can eat it all. Now, I don't, I've been really good on my eating (small bites, taking my time, chewing, stopping when I feel satisfied and not stuffed). Does this ever change? The good thing is that I take all of it home and then I have dinner/lunch for another time. 2 meals (or sometimes 3) for the price of one!
Frankie & I only use 'baby bowls' and kiddie spoons and forks to eat with at home. The bowls we bought are at Walmart, they are multi colored bright 4 oz bowls with lids. Over in the baby section. Works for us as we both still use them here at home. We also only use saucers if we need an actual plate.