5 days Pre Op. Liquid diet anyone?
I am having my rny on wed. and I just wondered if anyone had a certain diet that had to go by at this stage. Dr Sonnanstine is my surgeon and all I really see is a clear liquid diet the day before surgery.. High protein low carb for a week..
Is there anything else I should do just to make things easier in the long run?
I am so excited but still feel like someone is gonna pull the rug out from under me at any minute and tell me something fell through.
Thanks a ton!
Summer Slimmers Challenge!
Most barriers to your success are man-made. And, most often, you're the man who made them. ~ Frank Tyger
I wish you the best of luck with your surgery!
Hi Jade (is that your real name? I love it!)
Dr. S really never felt a true need for a diet before surgery unless he wants to shrink the liver ..the reason for the low carb..it actually will shrink it a bit ..the liver sits right on top of the area he is operating on ..so it's lifted up and away from the stomach with an instrument holding it up ..if a liver is large or "floppy" it can be annoying, but not impossible to operate around..
You will be just fine...you have a great doc taking care of you.
Please keep us informed of how you are doing..Good Luck!!!!