DS Dinner and Dessert photos check it out!
Our Kentuckiana DS Support Group Meeting was tonight and we are so proud that we had 5 DSers, 2 lap banders and a RNY patient - so please come on out next month guys we had a great time!
We started off with dinner at 5 Guys and ended up with dessert at Graeter's as usual - so much fun we stood around in the parking lot for hours chatting about protein and poop
left to right - Maria, Tiffany, Ken, Vicki, Becka (lap band) and Jenn - it seems one of our lap band guests and the RNY patient were camera shy - oh well, we respect differences - we all tend to be a bit camera shy ourownselves - look at Becka hiding behind her ice cream
DS Lab Rats
If the lap band police come to reposess my band because they now know I ate ice cream we're going to need a really good cover story.....
I was just "holding" that ice cream for one of you guys, right??
Ice cream?? What ice cream?? i don't see no stinkin' ice cream....
Seriously though, I had an awesome time. Your friends were all wonderful and I'm sorry I left early and missed all the poop talk!
Let me know when the next gathering is and the rebel Talley bandits will do what we can to be there! Next time though, we are coming child free and on the Harley!

At least when I did my snickers blizzard there was no evidence!

David Geller, MD
Bariatric Surgeons of Kentuckiana
3999 Dutchmans Lane, 1E
Louisville, KY 40207
(502) 893-7151, fax 893-7020
[email protected]

DS Lab Rats