KICKOFF FOR: 3 points a day....can YOU do it??
Tomorrow morning is THE day!
We start a new challenge that incorporates all the things we should be doing regardless of surgery type (or NON- surgery type) AND the watching the scale is not a part of it!
How cool is that??
We all know we need to:
1) We should all follow our individual dietary plan set up by our surgical group
2) We should all drink our 64oz of non-caffeinated, non-carbonated fluids per day
3) We should all get at least 30 minutes of physical activity in per day (real activity not what we do daily anyway like washes dishes, fold the laundry, etc)
The premise to this challenge is that we will give ourselves one point for each item from the above list that we achieve per day. First one to get to 100 points wins bragging rights!
Anyone who wants to be part of the side bet and put up a $10 gift card to the winner of the challenge also needs to let me know ASAP. The winner must be part of the pot or it goes to the next person to achieve 100 points that is in the pot for the side bet. Please PM me with your intent for this and I will PM back a my mailing address. I will accept bet money or cards up the end of the challenge. I will convert all money, checks, etc to a gift card of the winner's choice and add it to the other various gift cards they will receive. (sound good? If there is a hole in this idea please let me know).
Here's a list of who I have that has signed up so far. If you name isn't on the list or if you just now decided you want to join us, by all means please do!! Just add a post on here and let everyone know you're joining us and if you want to be part of the monetary bet.
Myself (band camp)
Richard (Waste Management)
****he asked me to put him in but he's going to have
to start posting on his own!
Dana (skiffywife)
Vicki B. (guru)
Dawn (Dawn-needs-to-loose)
Kelly B
Michelle F.
Lee Ann B.
Did I forget anything??
Oh yeah...there will be a daily thread started each evening to report progress. you don't have to report daily but please do check in every 2 or 3 days at the most and I will update the chart with current numbers.
Ok everyone!!! 1 2 3 GO!!
Tomorrow morning is THE day!
We start a new challenge that incorporates all the things we should be doing regardless of surgery type (or NON- surgery type) AND the watching the scale is not a part of it!
How cool is that??
We all know we need to:
1) We should all follow our individual dietary plan set up by our surgical group
2) We should all drink our 64oz of non-caffeinated, non-carbonated fluids per day
3) We should all get at least 30 minutes of physical activity in per day (real activity not what we do daily anyway like washes dishes, fold the laundry, etc)
The premise to this challenge is that we will give ourselves one point for each item from the above list that we achieve per day. First one to get to 100 points wins bragging rights!
Anyone who wants to be part of the side bet and put up a $10 gift card to the winner of the challenge also needs to let me know ASAP. The winner must be part of the pot or it goes to the next person to achieve 100 points that is in the pot for the side bet. Please PM me with your intent for this and I will PM back a my mailing address. I will accept bet money or cards up the end of the challenge. I will convert all money, checks, etc to a gift card of the winner's choice and add it to the other various gift cards they will receive. (sound good? If there is a hole in this idea please let me know).
Here's a list of who I have that has signed up so far. If you name isn't on the list or if you just now decided you want to join us, by all means please do!! Just add a post on here and let everyone know you're joining us and if you want to be part of the monetary bet.
Myself (band camp)
Richard (Waste Management)
****he asked me to put him in but he's going to have
to start posting on his own!
Dana (skiffywife)
Vicki B. (guru)
Dawn (Dawn-needs-to-loose)
Kelly B
Michelle F.
Lee Ann B.
Did I forget anything??
Oh yeah...there will be a daily thread started each evening to report progress. you don't have to report daily but please do check in every 2 or 3 days at the most and I will update the chart with current numbers.
Ok everyone!!! 1 2 3 GO!!
Better watch out girls (and you too Waist Management), I am so hot right now - movin' and losin'!

I owed it to myself to research the duodenal switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you. Check out and for more information. Remember think twice, cut once, revisions are risky and revision surgeons are rare.
DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats