Question about plastics & Tricare Prime
Hey Jamie,
I have Tricare Prime. My son and I are visiting KY to visit with my parents while my hubby is in Iraq. We are stationed in NC so I had began a wls program there but with no one to help me with my son while my hubby was at work I knew I would have to wait for my 7 month visit to KY to get my surgery. However while enrolled at the wls program at Fort Bragg some Army wives shared a little secret with me. Legend has it that if you have a rash in the folds of your skin that your Primary Care Physician agrees is causing you unecessary pain and he deems it medically necessary then Tricare will pay for tummy tuck and breast augmentation. So I hope you find the secret legend to be true in Tricare land and have a caring physician on your side about your newly discovered discomfort ;)
Is your hubby still in the military? what branch of service. Include me on your friend list and we will chat.
I have Tricare Prime. My son and I are visiting KY to visit with my parents while my hubby is in Iraq. We are stationed in NC so I had began a wls program there but with no one to help me with my son while my hubby was at work I knew I would have to wait for my 7 month visit to KY to get my surgery. However while enrolled at the wls program at Fort Bragg some Army wives shared a little secret with me. Legend has it that if you have a rash in the folds of your skin that your Primary Care Physician agrees is causing you unecessary pain and he deems it medically necessary then Tricare will pay for tummy tuck and breast augmentation. So I hope you find the secret legend to be true in Tricare land and have a caring physician on your side about your newly discovered discomfort ;)
Is your hubby still in the military? what branch of service. Include me on your friend list and we will chat.
Yes my husband is still in the military. He's a lifer and we're Army. He's currently deployed to Iraq.
I've heard that same secret and I was hoping it was true. You know this excess skin is very heavy and very depressing and I'm planning on sharing that with my pcp also. I'll go and add you to my friends list now.
I've heard that same secret and I was hoping it was true. You know this excess skin is very heavy and very depressing and I'm planning on sharing that with my pcp also. I'll go and add you to my friends list now.

Never Give Up!

DS on 11/14/12
Hi Jamie and welcome welcome welcome! It is great to see a new face on here! Wendy is right...there are about 6 -10 of us who do most of the posting but that is mainly because we try very hard to support everyone and bring people out of lurkdom! Most would rather sit back and read which is kool....just would like to be able to say Hi to them once in awhile but I guess they aren't ready to meet us! We have get togethers at least once a month and always send out an invite to all who want to attend. We have even started getting more people to group support meetings and trying to include whomever we can! Hope you will join us for one or all of them! We organized our first clothing exchange at the last one and it was a huge success! It was fun to meet a couple new faces and touch base with some we have not seen in awhile! Racke and Nukefive are a couple of Dr S patients that made the drive from Cincy area to join in the fun! We are open to traveling too so if there is anyone out there that would like to host/organize a get together...let us know! I did one at Huber in Starlight and we ended up with about 45 or so! Lots of new people to meet and one couple was from my area and that was great! Ask away...we welcome you!
I am sorry i overlooked your post.
My husband is active duty military and we have tricare also.My hubby is not overseas he is working the urban training center 45 minutes from where we live.
But i might be able to help alittle i was having horrible periods and i was refer to a gyno who did a biopsy and found precancerous cells and refered me to the cancer care center in ky to a oncologist gyno surgeon.Sitting in his office he told me i needed a total hysterectomy and he was going to do it open (alright)he then ask what i thought of the extra skin and im like well its not my best friend but what can i do i have alot of weight to lose yet i weighed 526 and had was down to 349 so i had alot of extr skin plus atleast 200 more pounds to lose.He says i can take off the extra skin when i do the hysterectomy,i didnt think the insurance would pay but he sent it in.
Well 2 days later i get the call tricare needs more info so i went in he had me stand and he took pictures to send in and told them of the rashes and smell and they did approve me very quickly.
So yes they do pay for the extra skin removal on your stomach and i was told your breast.
But not the legs and arms....
So i hope my long story helped you tricare is awesome insurance and i wish you luck if i can help please let me know.
Also there are alot of wondeful people here and they will help if they can or point you in the right direction.
Tell your husband thank you from my family and good luck sweetie.
Side note i had 30 pounds of skin removed and i feel wonderful
My husband is active duty military and we have tricare also.My hubby is not overseas he is working the urban training center 45 minutes from where we live.
But i might be able to help alittle i was having horrible periods and i was refer to a gyno who did a biopsy and found precancerous cells and refered me to the cancer care center in ky to a oncologist gyno surgeon.Sitting in his office he told me i needed a total hysterectomy and he was going to do it open (alright)he then ask what i thought of the extra skin and im like well its not my best friend but what can i do i have alot of weight to lose yet i weighed 526 and had was down to 349 so i had alot of extr skin plus atleast 200 more pounds to lose.He says i can take off the extra skin when i do the hysterectomy,i didnt think the insurance would pay but he sent it in.
Well 2 days later i get the call tricare needs more info so i went in he had me stand and he took pictures to send in and told them of the rashes and smell and they did approve me very quickly.
So yes they do pay for the extra skin removal on your stomach and i was told your breast.
But not the legs and arms....
So i hope my long story helped you tricare is awesome insurance and i wish you luck if i can help please let me know.
Also there are alot of wondeful people here and they will help if they can or point you in the right direction.
Tell your husband thank you from my family and good luck sweetie.
Side note i had 30 pounds of skin removed and i feel wonderful
Thank you so much for your very warm and caring post! Tell you husband my thanks goes out to him and your family as well. No one really understands what we spouses have to go through but it's all worth it. I am very proud of my husband and of all the guys serving!
I am getting a little nervous about my apppointment but I'm just going to suck it up and lay it all on the line. You know I hadn't thought about the smell from the flap of my stomach but that's another good point to bring up. As gross as this is I get a funky smell from my belly button as well. I think I'm going to go in with a list of issues and take it from there. I will most definately post the outcome of my doc visit.
Thanks again
I am getting a little nervous about my apppointment but I'm just going to suck it up and lay it all on the line. You know I hadn't thought about the smell from the flap of my stomach but that's another good point to bring up. As gross as this is I get a funky smell from my belly button as well. I think I'm going to go in with a list of issues and take it from there. I will most definately post the outcome of my doc visit.
Thanks again

Never Give Up!