Off to the Dr!
DS on 11/14/12
I hate the OBGYN but today I am actually looking forward to seeing him to get this pain prob resolved! It has not eased off at all. All else is good here. roads are good and dale shoveled us out of the drive so we are off in about 2 hrs to New Albany! Hope everyone is surviving!
DS on 11/14/12
Ok...home again home again jiggidy jig! Ok...Dr did the usual pap etc....all looked ok. He wants me back on the 11th for an ultrasound and biopsy. Seems to think its the endometriosis rearing its ugly head again, but wants to confirm it. More than like ly he will do the hysty...thats what he is gearing towards so he says. I say go for it! That **** has not been used in years nor will it ever produce again anyway! Take it away Johnny........