After surgery....A few questions.
Hi all!I'm new here and found this site doing a search for some advice and answers.I've been reading around and this looks like a great site with lots of great people.First I would like to congratulate you all on your accomplishments and wish you the best of luck.I'm here actually looking for a little advice for my mother who had her surgery yesterday.This has been a long process for her as she has been through alot(divorce,deprssion etc.)these past few years.She started talking about doing this about 2 years ago but something always came up or she would just back out.So yesterday it all happened and I am so proud of her.
I don't know too much about this other than what all she has told me and reading a little here and there.My questions are about whats to be expected when she comes home.I live right next door to her and she lives alone so I'll be helping her out all throughout the day.Any questions you could answer or advice you would like to add would be greatly appreciated. Now for the qestions.
Will she need to stay in bed for a while or do I need to have her up and walking?What all will she be eating when she comes home or is she even allowed?Will she still have the drainage tube in when she comes home?How long before she's up and back to normal?Will she be in any pain?How long before she's all healed up?I know she probably has most of the answers that I'm looking for but I would like to know before hand so I can help out as much as possible and give her the encouragement that she may need.I have not had the chance to speak with the doc yet and I'm hoping to do so tomorrow which I'm assuming he will let her come home.I think or is that too soon?Oh and how long did it take any of you to start losing the weight?See I told you I had alot of for any info or advice that you my have.
How old is your mom?
She will need to be up and walking about every 30-60 min. each day - this helps prevent blood clots and she will not be as sore.
She will be in some pain for the first few days. I stayed 2 nights in the hospital.
I was driving at day 5 and didn't take any pain meds after the first day in the hospital........however, I was VERY sore. This is normal. Just remind her that it will be worth it! I wanted to be awake enough to know what I was doing and to make good decisions about walking and sipping my fluids.
She may need help showering the first few days.
Each day gets easier.
Take a pillow for her to hold across her stomach for the ride home - it will help cushion "bumps" in the road and it helped to hold it while rolling over, sitting down, and standing up!
Her biggest focus the first weeks is getting fluids in so she won't dehydrate and getting as much protein as possible. Protein shakes ( I mixed mine with 1 or 2% milk) , or mix protein powder into sugar free pudding............also stock up on sugar free popsicles and fudgsicles! If nothing else - those are kind of comforting. She will need to have some broths and other liquid foods on hand - jello, yogurt with no chunks.....that sort of stuff!
Good luck to your mom. Tell her we look forward to meeting her on the OH board!
Mom seems to be having a pretty hard time since the surgery.I had to take her to the ER last night because all she did yesterday was vomit.According to the ER doc,that was to be expected.Was really worried about dehydration so thats why we went.She goes Friday to have the drainage tube removed but it still seems to be draining quite a bit.ER doc says they won't remove it if theres still alot of drainage.Mom says she is starting to regret having it done.I feel bad for her because I encouraged her to do it,so now I'm starting to think it wasn't such a good idea.I just hope she gets past the really bad part soon so she won't be so discouraged.After reading alot of the stories on here,I honestly didn't think it would be so bad for her but now I don't know.I feel so sad for her.