Here we go again....

Tiffany A.
on 1/5/09 10:33 pm - Fort Knox, KY
BRIDGET is on my S*%&%( list!!! So I have called insurance everyday since she said she submitted it to them and they said she hasn't given them anything. So I called her, NO CALL BACK!!!! Then I get a letter in the mail saying that my file can't go any further till she has my cardiac clearance, TSH test, and pulmonary test. I have had my pulmonary test in my file since I first paid that D)^&) $300.00 and we just went on the merry-go-round with her recieving the other tests. I thought all I had to do now was be a patient patient and wait......... NOW I gotta be the wicked witch of the west. I keep telling her, I am a college student and I would like to be able to have the time to pick a date and make sure my hubby has time off from Uncle Sam. I am disgusted with her.

Just to be sure i wasn't directing my anger in the wrong direction I asked Tricare, "From the time you recieve a fax, how long odes it take to get into the computer?" I was told arond 24-48 hours...That way it creates an authorization number that you can track....

I am ANGRY!!!!
"Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.." George Burns

~~Tiffany~~(There's always something to DANCE about)
Leah P.
on 1/5/09 10:44 pm - Indianapolis, IN

I would be angry too.  It is a shame that one person is holding up your whole process.  I would talk to the doctor about his staff. I did this when I switched doctors last year.  I found that my information from my ortho-surgeon was not getting to my file.  So I brought copies of the fax receipts with me that they had given me showing their office had gotten the information. Someone at the drs office just failed to put my info in my file.  He was grateful for that information. 
There is no excuse for her torturing you like this.
It will all work out though.

Blessings to you all, Leah   
Tiffany A.
on 1/5/09 11:24 pm - Fort Knox, KY
So my Tricare rep is phenominal!!!!!!! She just took the time to call to the office, and she spoke with someone while I was on hold, because I basically was gonna cry. So she talks to someone and they say "we will fax it right over"... NOW Tricare has my stuff.. Sue Wilson at Tricare is my HERO!!!
"Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.." George Burns

~~Tiffany~~(There's always something to DANCE about)
on 1/6/09 4:03 am
Well, Woo Hoo for Sue!!  That was so nice of her!  Hopefully it won't be long now!!
Kelly B

Summer Slimmers Challenge!

Most barriers to your success are man-made.  And, most often, you're the man who made them.  ~ Frank Tyger
on 1/6/09 6:45 pm - KY

B J 

This one
Band Camp.....

on 1/6/09 12:34 am - Crestwood, KY

You'd think with all the complaints they get about this chick that they would either light a fire under her or replace her! I'm sure it's no comfort but you are not the only one who has issues with her.  My mom had to hound her for forms to go to the plastic surgeon and insurance company and THREE times when the insurance company said they didn't get a thing from USA.

Here's my admissions coordinator/social worker advice to everyone: 

1) Always ask for your own personal copy of any medical or financial document you are submitting to anyone/anywhere and send a copy of your copy  yourself if need be.

2)  Either hand deliver or send it registered mail with a signed receipt requirement to verify it got into the hands of the person that it needs to be (and as ammunition when the documents are said to not be in the file).

3)  Be a thorn in their side and pester the hell out of them until you get a response!!

4) Journal and document the name of the person you've spoken with and the time and date of each phone call.

5)  Ask to speak to department heads or the next higher person on the rung if you are unhappy with the person you are dealing with.

With these steps taken it makes it a lot easier to lodge complaints and get results.  Often times the doctors are simply not aware of what the office staff does or even their names so complaining to them doesn't always get results especially when they leave your exam room and walk right into the next exam room!!

Don't be swayed by attitude either.  YOUR insurance and out-of-pocket payments are their bread and butter. 

Good luck....and kick some butt!!
~BECKA~   Start - 254 / Current - 172.6 / Goal - 160
  Just another Bariatric Babe!! 


on 1/6/09 4:00 am
Great advice, Becca!  I'm going to be going throught his soon...I didn't think about keeping all the copies.  I will start, though!
Kelly B

Summer Slimmers Challenge!

Most barriers to your success are man-made.  And, most often, you're the man who made them.  ~ Frank Tyger
Lee Ann B.
on 1/6/09 3:49 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Well I think that is awesome that your ins rep would do that for ya!  Big kudos to her!
Bridget needs some retraining in the customer service dept. I made all my own copies, sent her copies, faxed her copies, and hand delivered copies of every record needed. I do not trust anyone...sorry!  She tried the same thing with me and a couple other gals. I called her on a regular basis twicew a day sometimes. I was not giving up on it. Glad you are on your way again! being the squeeky wheel can sometimes be a good thing!

Tiffany A.
on 1/6/09 5:11 am - Fort Knox, KY
I have really been thinking of filing a formal complaint on her with Norton. I know when I have my next appt that I will have a few choice words for a supervisor. I will however be calling Norton tomorrow to speak to someone because she either needs to get on the ball, get an assistant, or go away... 

On another note:

I can see my referral online now.. It's staus: In Progress

Sue called me and said she had everything and I should have an answer no later than Friday hopefully. So I got my fingers and toes crossed
"Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.." George Burns

~~Tiffany~~(There's always something to DANCE about)
Vicki Browning
on 1/6/09 6:57 am - IN
Tiffany you need to file a formal complaint to the surgeons office, Norton's has no control over USA's employees.   I would call and ask for the Office Manager, get his/her name talk to them and follow up with a written complaint. 

I went through the same thing with USA but thent he girl was Kelly and she was terrible too.   I wish I was well enough to work right now, I would be talking to someone at USA about taking that job over, its high stress I can only imagine if only one intake scheduler and ins approval rep is taking on all the Dr's at USA. 

Hope you get things resolved.
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