For Patients with University Surgical Associates....
So I have been trying to get in contact with Bridget to see if she recieved my faxes. For insurance approval to be sent in I only needed to send my TSH and Cardiac Clearance to her. I had evrything else. My question is does she call back? I called an left messages and never heard from her. I also faced my cover page and asked her to call me to ensure she has everything. I was hoping that I could have it all submitted to insurance before the end of 2008. Should I continue to call or is she pretty good at getting things together?
I don't use Dr. Tanner but Dr. Rodriquez's insurance person was not good at calling people back in a timely manner and I called everyday until she called me back. But again that was 11/2 years ago and I dont know who things go in that office now. Just keep calling I guess till you get a call back
Good Luck
Good Luck
DS on 11/14/12
Bridget is not good about calling back (maybe because she's busy but I really don't know) and then if she doesn't want to talk to you yet (as in you are not yet approved) she seems a little "put out." Just keep calling calling calling......
I understand they have to field HUNDREDS of phone calls per day while also trying to do their job and I'm sure it can be frustrating for them, but that's simply job security, right??
I can't judge how good she is at keeping things organized but she called me lickedy split to schedule things when I ws denied and became self-pay.....
Good luck!!
Thanks so much! During my visit they seemed a little frazzled and couldn't find my regular paperwork for like 20 mins... I knew to be suspisous then... So I will call today...Even though I think they are closed... And I will start back up on Friday... She WILL call me back or I will just make a visit to the office. I know what you are saying about the work load, but like you said JOB SECURITY right???? My messages are always very nice and I basically just ask for a coutesy call to let me know if the faxes are there, because if not I can call and be in other people butt!! LOL I am really hoping that I can get her to just send it in. I talked to my insurance rep and she said that it will porobably get approved in less than 7 days so I will BUG THE S#^! out of Bridget till she calls me back...