I went into surgery today for the gastric bypass, however during surgery Dr Shina decided that I have extreme cirhossis of my liver (cuased by weight gain?). Cannot have wls surgery now. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. I probably will not be posting on here anymore. Good luck to everyone with their ventures--My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Thank you.
I am sorry to hear that, please pelase don't give up hope, not because that I had something wrong, but it literally took me years to have this surgery, first time I tried I was 18 next time I was about 34, next time was when I was 42, I am now 44 just had it done this year, see if they can help your liver, and have it later on, please just don't give up though!!!
Stacey, the Dr. caught it in time and will treat it. Hopefully you won't need a transplant, please keep us posted. You can't just drop off the face of OH and leave us worrying. I will keep you in my prayers. I too had set backs, 1st time before surgery I suffered a PE , then kidney failure, I suffered a severe stroke when they replace my port. But with prayer I am better, no cane, no slurred speech. Keep praying as will the rest of us. Things will work out. God Bless and Merry Christms. Amy