What are some people thinking??
I was bored tonight so Ive been reading on some of the other forums on here, did anyone happen to read the sticky that is posted on the main board about the woman that was arrested for scamming money/donations from others on OH....what a shame. There always has to be a bad apple in the bunch. Its really sad to play on someones emotions in attempt to STEAL money. If people would put as much effort into making themselves better as they do into being criminals....geez, think of how the world could be!
Hi Tracy! I actually followed the whole story over the last few weeks over on the R&R forum. I have never posted there but I have been known to be entertained by some of their posts in the past! It really is an awful situation and she scammed a bunch of people, mostly from the Post Op Pregnancy board and R&R
Sad sad people.....
Sad sad people.....
Thanks! You too! Yeah, like Becka said below -- if you are bored again some time read the whole thing (may be a little hard to know where to start).....DRAMA ....it COULD be a lifetime movie!!!!! I hate to say that because I guess we really shouldn't be gaining entertainment from this situation at all.......but....yeah....read it some time!
One night when you have insomnia go over to the R&R board and read the whole ugly mess. It's destined to be a lifetime movie! They even have pictures posted of when she was arrested in front of one of the OH members front lawn!
Very sad that thousands of dollars was given to this woman in the name of charity.
Very sad that thousands of dollars was given to this woman in the name of charity.