what time you all heading to the party???????????
DS on 11/14/12
We plan to be there at three...leaving here by two. I have to go to a friend of Aubrey's with her and Sarah and B for pics to be taken, drop Sarah's overnight guest off, go to store for drinks, warm up scalloped pot., and get gas. Oh yeah...and go to the bank! Sarah is bringing marshallows to roast of she can. The kids would live on them if I let her! I made just over a gallon of pot salad (10 lbs potatoes) Thurs night and the scalloped pot last night. All I have to do is transfer them to a disposable pan and warm them up and go! The girls at Jay C thought I was nuts because I never buy potatoes! Now I go in and buy 20 pounds! Aubrey and B are staying here...too damp and cold for him...just getting over ear infections...again. See ya this afternoon. you have my cell if you need me!
we will proably leave here about 3 and should be there by 3:30 ish. I am bringing my youngest grandson Jason(7) with us. All the other kids were not going to be home this weekend so poor Jason was going to be all alone so I thought why not take him with Bob and I .
I can't wait its going to be so much fun
I can't wait its going to be so much fun