Now I feel like a BIG baby! Had a WOW moment!
Ok yesterday I was on here complaining about how hungry I was and being a big baby and feeling sorry for myself. Well I bit the bullet and got on the scale last night and after many times of getting off and back on again and making my husband and daughter weigh as well to make sure it was right. So I guess its true I have lost 24 pounds since surgery! Today is my 2 week mark. So needless to say that gave me the swift kick in my butt that I needed to keep my head up high! Now I am determined to keep up the hard work because it is paying off! Woo Hoo!

Live,Laugh & Love Everyday because tomorrow is never promised!

Live,Laugh & Love Everyday because tomorrow is never promised!

DS on 11/14/12 sound like me with the scale! Congrats Congrats on all the loss! It is really hard to do...but you can do it! How awesome that feeling is when you see it in writing! Have you measured as well....You will be amazed!