OT: Had 4 teeth pulled this morning. Still bleeding.
I went to the dentist this morning thinking I'd have one tooth pulled because I've had a really bad toothache for the past few days. The whole side of my head, neck have been hurting. I got there and found out that 4 of my teeth had grown into the nerve. I had him pull them out. I left the dentist office before 10am. I've been packing it with gauze every hour like they told me too. I haven't eaten all day. I've been drinking clear liquids. I'm starting to get a lil irritated cause I'm still bleeding. Anyone know how long this could last? The pain isn't too bad. Course, he gave me vicodin so thats probably why. It was bad before I gave in and took one of those bad boys. I was hoping to try some soup (I'm freaking starving!) when the bleeding stopped and I could take the gauze out, but I'm still bleeding. Not bad but enough to soak the gauze in a hour or so,well maybe 2 hours. I tried a moist tea bag, the nurse told me to try a moist tea bad 2-3 hours after I got home and that didn't do squat for the bleeding. Any tips?