Good Tuesday Morning!!!
DS on 11/14/12
Hope everyone survived three days of fun and sun or housework if you are like me! I swear the weekend flew past! I did get alot done! Cleaned out closets, basement, cabinets...etc...Stuff I needed to do but have put off! Everyone one here is sick with this bronchial/sinus crap....still! I am the only one not sick! Took the girls to the Dr and they gave them the Z pack and it did not even touch this stuff....Braedyn and I had amoxicillin and it beat most of it and Dale is on cipro and its helping his. Needless to say I already have a call in to the Dr this am. for the girls.
Not alot else going on...trying to get the motivation to get ready for work soon. We worked on re-arranging the gallery all day Friday. I told Kathy we needed to hang a couple new paintings that came in and thats where it began! Next thing you know we are moving furniture, redoing window name it...we did it. It needed to be done though! We have like a founders day festival coming up this month and will get alot of traffic into the store. We went to the distributors on Sat to get some small items for Halloween. Wow...cannot believe it is almost time for that as well! We will have to price this stuff today and get it out on the shelves! I did find Braedyn a cute outfit for halloween....its brown and white stripped onesie and brown pants and an orange bib with a ghost on it saying " So cute its scary!" He is not going to go trick or treating but he will probably be on the porch with grandma passing out candy! We had 526 trick or treaters last year. The sidewalks up and down our street look like a conveyor belt of people and kids! Our street ususally gets the heaviest traffic of anywhere, I freaked the first year here....sooo many people! We were used to 25-50 tops where we lived before! This year we invited a few friends to come over in costume and we are going to try to do a haunted theme. Witch stirring cauldron, carecrow having issues with crows, frankenstein wandering around, dracula in his coffin, etc...not really scary looking but yet stay with the halloween theme. We try to soften it up so kids aren't too scared to come up to the house.
Anyway.....back on track here......I posted somewhere about the Hubers event on the 28th of this month. I am hoping to finalize plans with Tracey and will post it as soon as I know something more solid! If you guys would give me an idea on how you want to eat foodwise it would help. Buffett style, family style, individual ordering? let me know.....I need to get this reservation made asap and alot depends on how we are wanting to eat!
Not alot else going on...trying to get the motivation to get ready for work soon. We worked on re-arranging the gallery all day Friday. I told Kathy we needed to hang a couple new paintings that came in and thats where it began! Next thing you know we are moving furniture, redoing window name it...we did it. It needed to be done though! We have like a founders day festival coming up this month and will get alot of traffic into the store. We went to the distributors on Sat to get some small items for Halloween. Wow...cannot believe it is almost time for that as well! We will have to price this stuff today and get it out on the shelves! I did find Braedyn a cute outfit for halloween....its brown and white stripped onesie and brown pants and an orange bib with a ghost on it saying " So cute its scary!" He is not going to go trick or treating but he will probably be on the porch with grandma passing out candy! We had 526 trick or treaters last year. The sidewalks up and down our street look like a conveyor belt of people and kids! Our street ususally gets the heaviest traffic of anywhere, I freaked the first year here....sooo many people! We were used to 25-50 tops where we lived before! This year we invited a few friends to come over in costume and we are going to try to do a haunted theme. Witch stirring cauldron, carecrow having issues with crows, frankenstein wandering around, dracula in his coffin, etc...not really scary looking but yet stay with the halloween theme. We try to soften it up so kids aren't too scared to come up to the house.
Anyway.....back on track here......I posted somewhere about the Hubers event on the 28th of this month. I am hoping to finalize plans with Tracey and will post it as soon as I know something more solid! If you guys would give me an idea on how you want to eat foodwise it would help. Buffett style, family style, individual ordering? let me know.....I need to get this reservation made asap and alot depends on how we are wanting to eat!