If there is anyone who wants to help.....
DS on 11/14/12
I am sure everyone has read LaChelle's post down below regarding the trying times she and her family are going through. The Indiana board is asking that if anyone would like to send a donation, no matter how small, it would be appreciated. also if anyone has any options that they can offer for her to try...that would also be appreciated. if you would like to send a donation...let me know and I will supply you with her address. They have had such a rough time with her being the sole supporter and her hubby just now finding employment after a year. I have already offered alot of options and contact info for assistance within her county, but she is running into roadblocks due to their income being too little to live on and too much for public assistance. If you want to .....message me and I will send ya info. If you want to do so anonymously...that's OK too. I know when Aubrey had her baby someone sent her a Kroger gift card and she used it for diapers and wipes so every little bit would be appreciated.
DS on 11/14/12
For those of you *****quested the info...I have sent it to you....I am sure they will appreciate it! As always...prayers and hope are the best things that can be offered so if you can....they would be as welcome as anything! Thanks!