DS on 11/14/12

Pooh always makes me smile.....gotta love that chubby dude! Anyway...I am waiting to hear back on Hubers for September 28th at 1:30ish. If anyone want to come...let me know and how many you will be bringing! Anyone can come! Pre-post-looking into-supportive people...all welcome! Would love to add some more new faces to the crowd, so if you know of anyone...invite them. I just need a head count for an approximate size area we will be getting. Right now I asked for one for between 30-40. you want to just order individual meals since it may be easier? I need to know to let them know. I know there are alot of things the kids can do...the rest of us can walk and chat or sit and chat! I am looking forward to a day to relax myself. We were going to bring Braedyn but his dad has him that day.

Sandi...glad you are out and on the mend! Princess congrats on date! Dannyell...happy surgiversary! Dawn...hope you are feeling better! and gracie racing those bikes yet? Z...we want to see those arms please! Jeanie...glad school is smoothing out for ya! Leslie...keep it up girl! Everyone else...since I have to cut this short and get my rear in gear...happy wednesday and hope it is a good one! Prayers, support, and big hugs to those in need...
Happy Wednesday
LeeAnn now that was funny but careful what you wish for.
Today is a boring day the boys are in school and Neil is in crane school havent seen him since Sunday night..
I really miss him..but shhh dont tell
He comes home tonite.
Everyone have a great day
I wish you all werent so far away
LeeAnn now that was funny but careful what you wish for.
Today is a boring day the boys are in school and Neil is in crane school havent seen him since Sunday night..
I really miss him..but shhh dont tell
He comes home tonite.
Everyone have a great day
I wish you all werent so far away