are you a Dr. Wheeler patient?
Dr Wheeler is my Doc as well and he sent me for one. I think it is normal for him. I asume it is to make sure that we are getting enough calcium and not loosing bone. I don't remember at what point it was that he sent me for mine. I would think it would be more important for women than men but I gather he does it to all his patients.
pan head
pan head

thanks for the info, I researched it online and know it os to check bone density, I was just wonfering i have heard no one else speak of it, my mom had osteoperosis really bad befire she died, made her bedfast, but she was slim and smoked most of her life, I think that makes a difference also. my poor mom weighed 100 soak and wet, most of the time, don't know where i got my genes from, must have been my dads side of the family, haha.