Hubers Sunday September 28....
DS on 11/14/12
Ok...mark your calendars...we are going to do it on this date and we will work out the rest! I know we have church goers, etc....but since they have a limited time they are open, I think we will just have to set a time and people can come starting then and up to whenever they close. Where/what do you want to do? The cafe at the winery? Kids can be there too. Do you want me to see about a reservation in an area of it? Does anyone else wants to handle all the particulars? Hellooooooooo..........
I dub LEE ANN queen of the planning!!
I personally am open to either the winery cafe', the dining room or whatever!
Heck, I'll be coming off a 9 day vacation to THE WORLD so one more day of "non-legal" food won't make or break me! least I know with my amount of restriction those fried biscuit aren't going down my pipe and I personally think that's the "worst" thing they have!
I personally am open to either the winery cafe', the dining room or whatever!
Heck, I'll be coming off a 9 day vacation to THE WORLD so one more day of "non-legal" food won't make or break me! least I know with my amount of restriction those fried biscuit aren't going down my pipe and I personally think that's the "worst" thing they have!
we are going to Dworld for 6 days during fall break in october. You simply have to give me survival tidbits for the trip. I purchased the deluxe dining plan for the whole fam so our meals and snacks are already paid for. I am getting so excited, I'm sure you must be too!
I owed it to myself to research the duodenal switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you. Check out and for more information. Remember think twice, cut once, revisions are risky and revision surgeons are rare.
DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats
def the "worst" thing they have is the fried biscuits with apple butter, just give me an IV with that stuff in it, omg. It doesn't matter to me which place we eat as long as they have kid friendly food too. I think I might be bringing the whole fam that day. I think a reservation is a great idea as there will be so many of us. We can eat together and then divide up and do whatever we want to individually. There is so much to do there. Personally I like the eating and the shopping best.
I owed it to myself to research the duodenal switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you. Check out and for more information. Remember think twice, cut once, revisions are risky and revision surgeons are rare.
DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats
DS on 11/14/12
Ok then...start giving me a head count! Thanks alot Becka!
If this one flops...I am not planning no more and will take this very personally (HURMPH)
LOl...just fooling! Your idea sounds good

LOl...just fooling! Your idea sounds good
Lee Ann at the Restraunt, behind it they have the new Huber kid farm, They can go on a tractor ride and go feed the goats, mules, etc . You can catapolt apples into the pond at a target. They have a big silow slide, and many other things of course it cost money I think we got so many tickets for like 20.00 cant remember I sat on t he side lines.