will be 6 months out the 12th and I didn't lose 100 pounds
I didn't lose 100 pounds like I was hoping, is this normal, I had a d&c and a nova sure ablation in june, and my weight loss since then has just came to a halt.
Also is started out at 266 and now weigh 177 to 178. do you think the more you weigh the more you lose quicker, and the less you weigh the less you lose??
I am just tryhing to make since of all of this, I sure don't eat to much, some days I don't eat much at all, but try to get some protein in, it has such high caloreis, I feel like I will gain of I drink more than one or 2 shakes a day.
any and all opinions are welcome!!! or any advice on how to jump start my weight loss again, and yes I think I am losing inches at this time, I have went from a tight 26 jeans to a 14 to 16 now, depending on the cut I guess.
p.s. I had gastric bypass.
So are you going for bloodwork soon??
My sis just had her 12 month RNY follow-up (5/07) with labs and she basically had the same energy level that you mentioned. Turns out she was severely anemic, and on WAY too much anti-depressive meds for her current weight (she's lost just under 100 as well....i think...she's pretty secretive about it but she went from a size 22 and is now in 8's). She is now taking her B12 shots every other week instead of monthly as well. She was just over last night and looks to have TOO MUCH pep in her step now so I think it's working!!
Try not to compare your weightloss to others though, I personally think you look fabulous!!
My GYNO suggested the ablation to me for irregular periods. She said it would pretty much get rid of TOM all together (i kinda liked that idea!). Is it a painful procedure? Right now I'm kinda thinking that's a little drastric for my complaints so she put me back on the pill to regulate things. Pre-menopause is a hassle....I can hardly wait for the full blown effects!!!

I had the ablation too. My friend said it was painless, so did the Doc. It was the worst pain I ever endored. If you have a high pain threshold it might be nothing but I thought I was going to die. I had 3 c-sections, an abdominal growth removed and the band. The ablation pain was horrible but I liked not hemoriing the next month .. Mine was an emergency after my PE and being put on thinners I had to have a transfusion b4 surgery or they wouldn't do it. It's been 2 years still not visits but I do still get the back pain every month.
thanks for all the info, I feel like everyone on here is my friends!!! and I am thankful for that!! I haven't had any b-12 shots at all, like I said I haven't had any bloodwork done either, not even at my 2 month check-up. I am gonna insist, I just feel to rundown, I started taking a prenatal vitamin on top of my other vitamins, and also ,I got some b12 pills ,1000 mg. I think. I am feeling better than I was 2 weeks ago, but still don't feel nothing like 3 months ago, I was up to walking 4 miles a day. and now i just can't get up the pep to do it.
The nova sure ablation, is a life saver!!! I only cramped for one evening, and she gave me pain pills,I took one of them and next day, I was fine and dandy!! I did spot for about a month, but that is over now. no more periods, I figured that would make me feel alot better from blood loss, but not yet.
I would have it done again in an instant!!!
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band
First of all, I think you look wonderful and have done an amazing job!
88lbs. is great!

I too am in a big stall. I am trying to "shake things up". Like altering calories and types of foods. Some days I will have a little more carbs and the next almost none.
I need to focus on building muscle in my workouts now too. I am pretty dedicated to walking and get plenty of cardio, but I need to build some muscle. Muscle burns fat faster.
As far as how you are feeling, I have went through the same things. I have had some issues with low blood sugar (I try to eat something about every 3hrs. - or sooner if I get lightheaded!), low blood pressure (mine stays around 90/60 now), and my last labs (about 2.5 weeks ago) showed that I had a little low iron....but it was also TOM.
I have had blood work done 2 x's since surgery and all of my other levels are fine.
I still take the Opti-source vitamins 4x's a day.
I would call and talk to a nurse. I bet she could call or fax you in some lab orders to have done closer to home!
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
about the ablation, maybe they didnt know what they were doing or something, I found all i had was some cramping, like a period. I feel like a new woman in that dept. thanks again, Lisa